On Aug 22, 2:45 pm, Jim Burgess <rails-mailing-l...@andreas-s.net>
> Thanks for the answer Fred.
> I am understanding the definition of row size correctly, aren't I?
> What is happening is that I have a form (with loads of fields - some
> allowing up to 4000 characters).
> When a user enters an average amount of data, then the form submits and
> everything is good.
> When the user however enters more than an average amount of data and
> presses submit, the following error message is thrown:
> ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid (Mysql::Error: Got error 139 from storage
> engine: ...
> I did a lot of Googling for "maximum size of a mysql record" and kept
> finding references to the max. row size (which is, as you say 65535).
> I took row size to mean the size of one data set (i.e. everything that
> gets submitted with the form).

Row size is to do with the size of one row in the database. If what
you submit in your form ends up in multiple activerecord objects then
you're dealing with multiple rows, each one of which could be as big
as the row size limits permit. googling around also suggests that 139
can mean that mysql ran out of memory

> Is this correct or am I missing something obvious?
> Thanks very much for your help.
> --
> Posted viahttp://www.ruby-forum.com/.
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