Hello all,
I am new to RoR and am working my way through Timothy Fisher's Ruby On Rails
Bible. I'm stuck on page 81. I have followed the steps leading to this page,

cd rails_projects
rails contactlist
<creates all the directories>
ruby script/server webrick
<shows the Welcome Aboard page>
open a cmd window and run mysql: create database contactlist_development;
use contactlist_development;
create table contacts (id int not null auto_increment, ...etc.);
show tables;
<shows table contacts>
describe contacts;
<shows table structure>
<switch back to other window>
ruby script/generate model Contact
<shows directories created>
<look at app/models/contact.rb, which shows:>
class Contact < ActiveRecord:: Base
ruby script/console
Loading development environment
<this works fine>
my_contact = Contact.new
<here's the problem: instead of showing me the attributes of the instance, I
get the message:
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: Could not find table 'contacts' from
c:\program files\BitNami RubyStack/ruby/lib/ruby/gems... etc.... and many
other error messages too.

Ohhh! I just noticed that another of the error messages indicates that it is
looking for a sqlite3_adapter.rb:29. Hmmm. How do I tell it that I'm using
mySQL not sqlite?

For most or all of you, this is probably a trivial question, but for me it
is a show stopper. I'm very excited by the language and the framework and
the book, but at the moment I'm slamming my forehead on this wall. Please


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