> Have you ever considered reading the Rails source code? Not everything,

Actually, I usually do--I come to rails after several years of coding
in ruby, so I find it interesting how things are done, and there's
much to be learned from how rails uses ruby.  I'm just having this
really hard time navigating the docs.  Don't get me wrong--I think the
docs are great, and I can't imagine how such a feature rich
environment could be doc'd differently--it's just very difficult for
me the newbie (not necessarily any newbie, probably just me) to figure
out how to use them well.  I'm still waiting for that lightbulb moment
(like the one that happened with the C++ STL so long ago) where I know
where to look and how to use what I find.  Oddly, I never needed it
with ruby itself--I just sort of used the docs naturally from day 1.

Case in point: last night I was trying to figure out how to implement
a drop-down list for fields from a single db.  I'm using
collection_select elsewhere in the code to reference 1 db linked to
another, but I wanted to pull an id from a single db in a drop down
list.  I finally gave up after several hours of reading the docs,
searching and trying different things.  I could have built an array
from the db, then used another _for_select method I suppose, but I
just know a better way exists, and so I put it on the back burner as
I've recently been scolded for posting too much here.  I know that
someday when I learn how to do it, I'll hit myself on the side of my
head like I've done so often with rails and say, "I didn't see
*that*"?  But that great chasm between problem and solution seems
especially wide for rails for me.  What makes it truly frustrating of
course is that rails solutions are so simple and beautiful, so I
always know a good one is lurking out there, just beyond my grasp.

Anyway, I'm likely just dense as a brick.  Thanks, though, to everyone
who have patiently answered my questions with really nice, long
replies and sample code--they've been priceless.  I couldn't have
built this project (obviously my first rails one) without your help.

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