the short answer is because they're smart :-). 

You have to remember that OS X is Unix with the best GUI.  The Unix platform is 
far more mature than the Window core therefore more stable. Also, Unix was 
originate by programmers for programmers

Hope that help. Also, if you'd ever spend some quality time use OS X you'd 
never go back to Windows & I used Windows since 3.0 until about 6 months ago. 
I'll never run another Windows PC

------Original Message------
From: Jim Knowlton
To: Ruby on Rails: Talk
Subject: [Rails] Why do so many Ruby/Rails developers use Macs?
Sent: Dec 4, 2009 11:33 AM

I am a QA engineer who works in Ruby quite a bit, and I've never been
able to figure out...why is there a disproportionately large
contingent of Mac users among Ruby developers?  Macs are probably 10
percent of the computer market, but every time I go to a Ruby
conference, probably 80 percent of the laptops there are Macs.

Any thoughts?


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