I have just upgraded to Ruby 1.8.7 and Rails 2.2.2.  My previous project
was at Ruby 1.8.6 and Rails 2.0.2.  My platform is Windows and Webrick
for development.

When I run Webrick, the server starts without error, the application
runs, database connections work and I can click through the pages and
display data.  But it does not serve any stylesheets or javascript
files.  What's interesting is that images are displayed.  In the log
file, I get a 500 error after it attempts to retrieve a stylesheet or
javascript.  This occurs everytime.

Example of attempt to retrieve prototype.js (a 500 error):
------------- - - [17/Mar/2010:23:52:52 Eastern Daylight Time] "GET
totype.js?1268882775 HTTP/1.1" 500 338
Referer -> /javascripts/prototype.js?1268882775
[2010-03-17 23:52:52] ERROR NoMethodError: private method `gsub!' called
for #<Class:0x44ee480>

If I type directly into my browser's address bar,
"http://localhost:3001/javascripts/prototype.js?1268882775";, I get the
500 error message as above.  If I leave off "?1268882775", the browser
asks me to download the JS file.

I created a new rails app, started the webrick server, and it also
fails to run.

Any ideas what could be wrong?  I'm stumped.


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