
The name-calling, comparing of e-penises and general abusiveness stops 

You are mature members of the Ruby community and I would expect you to 
act that way. What ever happened to MINASWAN (Matz Is Nice Always So We 
Are Nice)? I'd expect this kind of behaviour from a PHP mailing list.

I respect the fact that you've been told that the release is "Any Time 
Soon"(tm) and "Real Soon Now, Seriously!"(tm), but things come up that 
stop the release from happening and postpone it. If you want to know 
what's holding up this release, check out the Rails lighthouse and the 
Bundler tracker. To the best of my knowledge, there will not be a Rails 
release candidate released until there is a Bundler release candidate. 
This is purely speculation on my part, but it makes perfect sense to me, 
and hopefully to you.

We've all been waiting a while for this release to come out. But what is 
stopping you from using it right now? What makes the label of "release 
candidate" so much more appealing when the difference between it and 
right now could be 1 single documentation commit? There is absolutely 
nothing stopping you from using it.

So I encourage all of you to:

1) Co-operate and act like respectable members of the community like you 
all really are, not shit-flinging monkeys.
2) Try porting over one of your applications this weekend to Rails 3. 
It's really not that difficult.

I have a friend, Chris Darroch, who's helping me port rboard to Rails 3. Check out the progress on the 
rails3 branch. As far as I know, we haven't ran into a single Rails bug. 
All of our problems are because of something we've done or because we 
needed to use a newer version of a plugin (named_scope instead of just 
scope, for example).

If you want Rails 3 to be the best it can be, you can help by doing this 
one small thing. Port your application and see if there's any bugs with 
it and if they are, report them. I would hope the core team acts in a 
better attitude than seen in this thread (but it's understandable, given 
the ungratefulness witnessed) and help you to help us help you.

Enough fighting. I don't want to be a part of a community where people 
fight over something so... irrelevant. We are *the best* community on 
the web. Let's not tarnish that reputation by repeating the actions of 
this thread.
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