On 4 August 2010 18:44, Sam Ward <li...@ruby-forum.com> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I'm a bit of a Nooby on Rails (is that a new joke?) as well as a Ruby
> Nooby and I've been trying all day to get to the bottom of an error.  I
> promise I have tried everything but I've started going round in circles
> and deleting large chunks of code so it's probably time to call in the
> experts.
> I've seen a few similar posts to this, mostly on this forum,  but none
> seem to be entirely applicable to my case.
> I have a formtastic form which gathers some inputs and creates a new
> Transaction which then generates a nasty error.  it seems to be centred
> on the @transaction.save action, this is where my 'puts' debugging
> outputs stop.

See http://wiki.rubyonrails.org/rails/pages/ReservedWords
(particularly words starting with Tra...)


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