Sam Ward wrote:
>  >Which tests are failing?  Are any tests now passing that were failing, 
> or vice versa?
> I've not done any tests before or since, I got a bit carried away before 
> I got to the chapter on tests in my book (is that bad of me?).

Yes.  You've now discovered why you should do all development 
test-first: it makes it much easier to determine when your app is 
actually failing, and where your undefined constants are.

So...stop now.  Install Autotest, RSpec, Cucumber, and Machinist, and 
write comprehensive tests for your application.  Don't write another 
line of app code till all your tests pass (except what's necessary to 
fix existing bugs, of course).  Do all further development test-first -- 
that is, write the tests *before* writing the code that will make them 
pass.  You'll be a lot happier.

>  I'm 
> literally just trying to use the site and picking out errors by hand, 
> this one is quite obvious as being able to save a Loan basically the 
> whole point of my site!
>> You've probably missed something: your stack trace still seems to 
> involve Rails' transaction code
> If I do a project wide case-insensitive search on all files within the 
> appname directory created by "rails appname", the only instance of 
> 'transaction' is found in this file:
> test_helper.rb
> self.use_transactional_fixtures = true
> I left this alone because I didn't really understand what it was.

That's fine; it should stay as it is.  (And the rdoc should tell you 
what that is.)

>> Can we see your current LoansController code for new and create?
>   def new
>     @loan =
>   end
>   def create
>      @loan =[:loan])
>        if <<< line 36 (this is not in my code, I just put it 
> here)
>          flash[:notice] = "Successfully created loan."
>          redirect_to items_path
>         else
>           render :action => 'new'
>         end
>    end

This looks fine.

>> The model definition would probably help as well.
> class Loan < ActiveRecord::Base
>   #attr_accessible :item_id, :user_id, :from, :to, :status

Did you mean to comment that line out?  (It's probably OK to have done 
so; just asking.)

>   belongs_to :item
>   belongs_to :user
>   def owner
>     @item = Item.find(item_id)
>     User.find(@item.user_id)
>   end

That's a pretty bad way of doing things if I understand correctly what 
you're trying to do.  You shouldn't need that method at all.

>   def borrower
>     User.find(user_id)
>   end

Again, unnecessary.  Rails' associations will take care of that 

> end
> -- ends
> Thanks again for your time on this, I am the only person I know using 
> Ruby and/or Rails,

Then join a local user group if you can!

> I would be totally adrift without you guys.
> Sam

Marnen Laibow-Koser
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