Chris Mear wrote:
> On 7 August 2010 19:54, Brad Lindsay <> wrote:
>> I'm new to Ruby and to Rails, but have been very impressed by the
>> tutorials I've gone through for each.  They have convinced me that
>> these are the best tools for the solutions I need to create, but
>> before I really got started, I thought I'd query the wisdom of this
>> list.
> Always good to hear someone excited about Rails!
> One bit of 'wisdom': the out-of-the-box Rails defaults are very
> capable. We've all written substantial apps using bog-standard ERb and
> Test::Unit, so don't feel pressured to use fashionable alternatives
> just because they're fashionable. 

At the same time, don't get wedded to the defaults just because they're 
the defaults.  I hope I never again have to use Rails' standard test 
framework for new development -- the Test::Unit API is crap, and 
fixtures are somewhere between moronic and dangerous.  The Rails team 
broke some great new ground with the testing framework, but like all 
pioneers, they made some big mistakes.

Marnen Laibow-Koser
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