turkan wrote in post #961975:
>> I hadn't heard of Steak before. A quick look at the rdoc makes me think
>> it's basically an inferior version of Cucumber. :) It looks to me like
>> the author of Steak kind of missed the point that the English-like
>> syntax of Cucumber is usually an advantage.
> Usually is not always. And not in our case.

In what way not?  I suspect that if you can't write your Cucumber 
stories in English, you're putting too much into them that should be in 
model specs...

>> > What are Cucumber tests then?
>> A non-painful way to cover the same ground as integration tests.
> In my opinion (and by definition too ;-) are Cucumber tests
> integration tests, or at least acceptance tests.

Yes, they serve that purpose.  They're not what Rails developers usually 
think of by hose terms, though.  Sorry for the confusion.

> But back to the topic ... do you have a little example how you would
> test an XHR request that responds with some JSON data by using
> Cucumber?
> A guess you are using Capybara too. How do you do the XHR request?

I'm not using Capybara; I'm using Webrat.

I would just make a request to the appropriate URL, and then test the 
returned JSON.  Just like testing HTML.  There's no reason to complicate 
it further.

Marnen Laibow-Koser

Sent from my iPhone

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