Peter Macgown wrote in post #965230:
> Marnen Laibow-Koser wrote in post #965219:
>> Peter Macgown wrote in post #965218:
>>> Hi Marnen,
>>> I have three different PC's running Windows (2 XP's and 1 Vista) at
>>> disparate locations.
>> Those should be binary-compatible, then.  (Why you'd torture yourself
>> with Windows is another question. :) ).
>> Unix is moot since it is not available to me.
>> Of course it's available to you: you can always install a VM.
> Unfortunately, this would complicate matters for me. Not only would I be
> trying to teach myself Ruby, I would be futzing with a VM configuration
> and I wouldn't know what was wrong if it didn't work.

VMs are generally easy to set up.  Try it!

"I wouldn't know what to do" is seldom a good reason not to try 
something.  Most of the time (as here), things are a lot easier than we 

> I want to carry a flash drive so I can do development in different
> places without having to install Ruby on each of them.

And you need all your dev libraries, and all your dev tools, and...

> It's sort of a fake project and I was looking for an excuse to do it.
> I've been playing with an Arduino board and thought that it would be
> interesting if I could use Ruby to collect the data rather than C++, C#,
> or another .net thing I have hanging around.

Not a bad idea; for one thing, Ruby frees you from being tied to 

> Using a flash drive solves one of the problems.  I have an hour to spare
> here and there at different locations and wanted to take advantage of
> them without having to set up a development environment for each one of
> the computers.

Why not use your own laptop?  Even if you use a flash drive, you'll 
probably have to set up a development environment to some extent.

I really think that the best solution in this case is to run a VM off 
the flash drive.

>>> The Rails part intrigues me since it can be
>>> used for other languages besides Ruby.
>> What?  Rails is built in Ruby.  There's no question of other languages.
>> Or do I misunderstand.
> Nope. You get it.  I show my ignorance here about Ruby and its
> relationship with Rails, or Rails in general for that matter.  There is,
> however, a book out there that talks about developing Flash programs
> using Rails and I was making an oblique referenct to this.

That's got nothing to do with the Ruby side of things.  Rails is 
server-side.  Flash is client-side.  (And please, *don't* use Flash 
these days.  HTML5 and JavaScript should get you where you need to go.)

> The point, I guess, is to answer the question, "can it be done?".  If
> yes, that's great.  If no, that's great too.  If the answer is no, then
> the next step is to determine how to be as minimally invasive to the
> desktop as possible to make it work.

Use a VM, preferably a *nix one (VirtualRails might be a good place to 
start).  Put that on the flash drive.  Do all development within the VM. 
Nothing has to be touched in the host environment.

Marnen Laibow-Koser

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