Thank you, I appreciate your help so far, I feel like we're getting

> And Timesheet belongs_to :incident , I hope?


> See the routing documentation.  Once you *do* nest them, you get the
> routes you need for free.
> If you don't want to nest them, other solutions are possible, but I'd
> advise nesting if it's feasible for your project.

Ok, I have nested them like this:
resources :incidents do
 resources :timesheets

And I changed Incidents#create to this:
 format.html { redirect_to incident_timesheet_url(@incident) }

Is that the 'free route' you mentioned?

On a side note, by changing the resources to nested instead of top
level, it broke my Index page which shows a list of Incidents and their
Timesheets. It pointed out this line of code:

<td><%= link_to 'View Time Sheet', timesheet_path(incident) %></td>

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