In general I love Graydon's proposal for strings and arrays, but I am not crazy about the notation. In particular I think []/@ and []/~ is not a good syntax for shared/unique vectors. It's not the slash, it's that I find it inconsistent. Generally speaking, a @ or ~ after the main type is a bound, and before it indicates the kind of the pointer. But here, it indicates the kind of pointer. And []/3 is not a pointer at all.

In Graydon's proposal, there are three kinds of vector-like things:

- Fixed-length arrays ([T]/3, T[3] at runtime)
- Vectors ([T]/@, [T]/~, boxed<rust_vec<T>>* or rust_vec<T>* at runtime)
- Slices ([T] or [T]/&, pair of T* and length)

Of these, the notation for slices seems exactly right: it is short and the "/" suffix indicates a bound. In fact, I think maybe we should change fn@() to fn/@() and so forth, and just have "/" be a trailing bound indicator. That leaves fixed-length arrays and vectors to represent somehow. And let's not forget strings, which just complicate everything.

So here is my overall proposal (best viewed in fixed width). The comparison is between my proposal, Graydon's proposal, and an English-language description. In some cases (such as ifaces), I have also integrated work on the type system I would like to do in the future.

    New type      Old type     Descr.
    --------      --------     ------
    fn(S) -> T    fn(S)
    fn/@(S) -> T  fn@(S) -> T
    fn/~(S) -> T  fn~(S) -> T

    :N [T]        [T]/N        fixed-length array
    [N]T          [T]/N        fixed-length array

    :[T]          N/A          (see below)
    @:[T]         [T]/@        boxed vec
    ~:[T]         [T]/~        unique vec

    [T]           [T]          slice
    [T]/&r        [T]/&r       slice with expl. region

    Id            Id           enum/class/resource/iface
    Id/&r         Id&r         ...with expl. region bound

    Id/@          Id@          iface with @ bound
    Id/~          Id~          iface with ~ bound

    str           str          slice
    str/&r        str/&r       slice with expl. region

    :N str        str/N        fixed-length str

    :str          N/A          (see below)
    @:str         str/@        boxed str
    ~:str         str/~        unique str

Explanation and rationale:

- A trailing slash always indicates a bound, meaning that it limits the types contained "within" the affected type. Normally, the bound is a region. In the case of opaque types (like fn and ifaces), this bound can also be @ or ~.

- The type `:N [T]` and `:N str`, corresponds to `T[N]` or `u8[N+1]` respectively. That is, it is a "by-value" array. If we want to allow N to be an arbitrary (const) expression, we may need to write `:(expr) [T]`, since `str` is no longer a keyword.

- Now everything which is in fact a pointer into the task/exchange heaps is prefixed with a @/~.

- The pseudo-type `:[T]` is supposed to look like "an array with an unspecified length". It refers to a rust_vec<T> (by-value). I say that it is a pseudo-type because you cannot write `:[T]` on its own. In fact, it is not even a type. You can only write `@:[T]` or `~:[T]`---we just use a bit of look-ahead.

The reason to keep `:[T]` from being a type is that it has unknown size. To support this safely with generic types, we'd need to add kinds. I would like to do this eventually so that we can declare records with an inline vector at the end, but it's not necessary now.

I am not at all crazy about `:` prefix, I just couldn't come up with a better character. I wanted `#` for number, but (a) it's in use by macros and (b) it's kind of heavy. `*` (think: repeat) is used for unsafe ptrs. `^` is random. `+` (again, repeat) looks like an infix operator, not a prefix operator.

Rejected ideas:

My original plan was "N:[T]" which I think looks way better than ":N [T]", but I scrapped it because `N` might eventually be a const expression and we need some clue that it's coming in the parser.

Another plan which I liked a lot was to have []T be slice, [N]T be constant length array, and [:]T or [.]T be unknown length array. I think this looks *great*, but there are two problems: First, I don't know how it extends to `str`. Second, the region bound, if any, is ambiguous, so you'd need parentheses to clear it up: []T/&r could be [](T/&r) or ([]T)/&r. But maybe that's ok as I don't expect explicit region bounds to appear very often at all.


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