Jake Kerr wrote:

I find the syntax for lifetimes to be quite hard to get used to since it overloads the & operator to mean something different, and because the convention seems to be to name the lifetime 'self' inside methods, which overloads that meaning as well. So now just in the method signature you have &self in three places that mean two separate things.

Many people mention the convention of using the name `self` to refer to the main lifetime parameter as confusing. It seems likely that we should change this convention! I've been talking about redesigning some of the lifetime stuff to be less implicit, this may help here as well.

All of the casting (is it casting?, I'll use that term as I don't know the correct one. ) to local variables with said lifecycle, is also a bit noisy and hard to parse. It would be nice if there was syntax such that the lifecycle could be applied as the variables are bound in the match deconstruction.

I agree those casts are ugly; as I said in my earlier e-mail, though, those are actually there as a workaround for a bug.

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