Lol ‹ I like 'lt

Somehow it makes me laugh compared to the ML usage, but I like it.  Perhaps
it plays off my brain's wiring for reading something like "I think &'s are
pretty".  (Or for reading "brain's", for that matter.)

I like the {lt} approach ok, too, although not as much.  I hadn't noticed
that the ambiguity in your original Option 8 went away when we put the
lifetime in the angle brackets, even if we then used curlies. But yeah, it
feels heavier.


From:  Niko Matsakis <>
Date:  Wednesday, January 23, 2013 1:44 PM
To:  Dean Thompson <>
Cc:  <>
Subject:  Re: [rust-dev] "intimidation factor" vs target audience

Dean Thompson wrote:
> Personally, though, I find myself increasingly attracted to the idea of
> having a consistent notation for writing a lifetime everywhere one
> appears, independently of the & symbol. (/lt/ is the only such notation
> I've found yet that seems reasonable.)

I like this idea too, I just don't like /lt/ for that role.

Maybe `'`? (shades of ML)

    &'lt Foo

That actually doesn't look half bad to me.

Maybe `.`?

    &.lt Foo

I don't like Foo<.lt>, but &.lt Foo and Foo<lt> might be ok, though it
doesn't adhere to the principle (in that lifetime names are just like any
other identifier).

Another option:

    &{lt} Foo

But the latter form feels pretty sigil heavy.


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