How would people feel about something like this?

&<lt> Foo

It's somewhat inconsistent in that lifetime names do not always begin with `&` , but I think it retains the "modifier feeling" without introducing any ambiguities. Another option might be `&<&lt> Foo` but that feels like &-overload to me!


Dean Thompson wrote:
Benjamin Striegel writes:

     Sadly, you should really read this subsequent blog post:

Ok, here's another suggestion:

     pure fn each</f/>(&self, f: fn(&(&/f/K,&/f/V)) ->  bool) { ... }

Lifetimes are always written in slashes. We drop the convention
of using a /self/ lifetime. We require the explicit lifetime
parameter on the function, to minimize magic.

     struct StringReader</s/>  {
         count: uint

     struct Foo</f/, T: Reader+Eq>  {
         count: uint

We treat the lifetime as a type parameter, in<...>. We stick to
requiring that it be explicit on the struct and the field, to
minimize magic. I believe this meets Niko's goal of recognizing
lifetimes in the parser.

     struct RefPair</fst/, /snd/, T>  {

Multiple lifetime parameters on a struct work fine.
It is clear both to the human reader and to the parser
that /snd/ is another lifetime while T is a type.

     impl StringReader {
         fn new</f/>(value:&/f/str) ->  StringReader</f/>  {
             StringReader { value: value, count: 0 }

     fn value</f/>(s:&/f/StringReader</f/>) ->  &/f/str {
         return s.value;

Lots of characters, yes, but the author of the code is
intentionally exercising great control, so I feel it is
worth spelling out what is going on. To my eye, the
consistency of always writing the lifetime in the same
way, /f/, helps tie the mentions of it together. Although
&/f/str is less concise than today's syntax&f/str, I
feel that&/f/str alerts the C++-trained reader that
something special is going on, and perhaps even suggests
that f is a modifier of some kind.

     fn remaining(s:&StringReader) ->  uint {
         return s.value.len() - s.count;

Here, the author has chosen to exercise less control.

We default to scoping the lifetimes across the function


It's a thought!


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