On 13-06-27 02:39 PM, SiegeLord wrote:
I've been trying to understand how rustpkg is meant to be used, and I
found that it didn't quite mesh with my experience with other package
management systems. Since it's quite incomplete and under-documented,
instead of trying to comment on the status quo, I decided its best to
form a few scenarios of usage, and hopefully have the people who
understand where rustpkg is going help me to see if these scenarios are
going to be possible (or if not, what's wrong with them). To that end,
the syntax for rustpkg will be my own and not the current syntax.

Rustpkg does have some documentation. It's sparse and additions would certainly be welcome. I suggest reading over the existing docs and discussions:


I'll try to answer your preludes and scenarios based on what I know of it, but please understand that there are a _lot_ of competing tensions on rustpkg and not every user's intuitions are immediately met on first encounter. Rather than redesign it (again) at this late a phase, I'd like to see it completed and deployed, and adjusted as-needed based on experience.

Prelude 1:

1 Package != 1 crate. I think a package should be able to contain
several crates. E.g. Debian packages routinely contain multiple
binaries/libraries etc.

This is true in the design we're currently working on.

Prelude 2:

Package source != package name. Regardless of where you get the package
from and no matter what the package file name was, the package metadata
(name/author/version) should not be affected, and should be the only
things that determine the identity of the package. I don't think these
things are inferrable, so I envision a metadata file with all those
things specified.

This is currently not true in the design we're working on. Or .. not exactly. Packages are given a pkgid, which is a URL-fragment-like name. It is _not_ a complete URL, but it's most of one, and it's standing in for having separate metadata. It is enough that:

  - It can be globally unambiguous by beginning with a DNS name
  - It can be locally overridden by prepending some local prefix
  - It may also be able to hint rustpkg at an internet access method

This does not mean that you must fetch a package named "github.com/graydon/foo" from github.com, but it means that if you don't have any other source for that package, you can guess at where to get it. And it has a unique name (assuming you decide to use that fact).

This was chosen very carefully, very intentionally, and (for the time being) we're not revisiting this choice. We experimented before with having multiple points of name-indirection or metadata and it appears to have just annoyed and confused everyone.

Scenario 1: Installation from a package file

I don't think this is on the current work list. It might be at some point. It won't be especially hard, but neither is it hard to just unpack a package in a workspace and build it using the existing directory-based approach.

It is not installing to /usr/local or any filesystem global location by default. It is intended to localize dependencies (in terms of using nearby directories) as much as possible by default.

Scenario 2: Installation from an appropriately structured directory

In these cases, you pass a pkgid and it finds an installation candidate using RUST_PATH. If it can't find a candidate it guesses an access method for a remote from the pkgid and pulls that into the first entry in RUST_PATH.

Scenario 3: Uninstallation

I don't think this is on the current work list but it's not hard.

Scenario 4: Fetching/building without installation

This is in the current work list. I do not think fetch is separate from build, but it might be. Tim will know more.

Scenario 5: Specifying a workspace

Workspaces (each of which contains subdirectories for sources, builds and installed binaries, per-package) are specified by RUST_PATH in the current design.


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