rustc is "just" another regular Rust application. So use the tools that any other Rust application (will) use ;-)

I think at some point in time there will be a capable build tool written in Rust (like there is for all the other languages). Then it would make
sense to switch using it for the compiler as well.


Am 11.01.2014 08:56, schrieb George Makrydakis:
There is little reason to believe that having a build system in Rust would make 
It harder for people to package.

I do understand the predependecy argument, but the Rust compiler itself in 
order to compile has predependencies anyway, as does any similar project. 
Therefore the decisional weight of choosing a non - rust based solution over a 
rust one because Debian packagers have problems packaging a compiler is not 
adequately justified.

Using a well known build system as a means to appeal to programmers is 
seemingly an advantage, but it does not exonerate them from having to be 
competent in Rust before they write useful programs. And that has a learning 
curve superior to that of a build system.

As for boost's jam I have nothing to say other than boost having its own build 
system makes it easy for boost first; this does not mean that their needs are 
those of everybody else and boost is a library, not a programming language 
itself. So, again, a decision based on picking a popular solution on the basis 
of such a comparison, has flawed background.

Lastly, imagine the irony of Rust proposing to use python, c, c++ based build 
tools for simple packages. That would make packagers more frustrated because of 
a wider set of dependecies. While end users would have to also deal with a 
known system, its eventual inadequacies could not be met directly by Rust devs 
unless they start amending that system in order to deal with them. Therefore, 
maintenance overhead is inescapable either way, with the pessimization of 
relying in another nom - Rust project in order to make it worth your while to 
enjoy programming in Rust.

The only valid argument against having a build system proposed as the official, 
defacto, cross - platform way of building rust packages written in rust is its 
development and maintenance overhead for the rust core team itself.

That problem is easily circumvented by not proposing one right now and letting 
it to the end developer decide. If however an official build system is to be 
proposed, Rust developers merit having it done on their own platform, thus 
proving rust's worth. It is 2014 after all.


Lee Braiden <> wrote:
On 10/01/14 08:16, Gaetan wrote:
I am not in favor of a customized build system. For instance boost
library use their jam build system, and i never figured how to use it
in my projects.

I push to use standard and well proved build system like cmake or
scons, at least for major components. This would give a nice example
of how to use it in any projects.

I'd agree with that on both counts: the principle of using something
standard, and the two recommendations.

CMake would probably get my vote, because it's not so much a build
as a meta tool for whichever system you prefer, so it would fit in well

with various platform-specific IDEs, unusual platforms (android,
embedded, ...), etc.  That said, scons is also a strong contender, and
which of the two is more open to integrating patches and working with
new languages is very much worth considering.

I think Rust will be contributing to the wider community by lending its

support (and patches) to a common, modern build system, AND it will get

something back in terms of users who already know the build system.

     On Friday, January 10, 2014, George Makrydakis wrote:


         Having a build system entirely dependent of Rust alone, would
         make the entire experience in deploying the language
         cohere. The only counter - argument is indeed that it would
         require some work to get this to fruition. I would like to
         know if this has any chance of getting priority soon enough.

Bear in mind that Debian are having a lot of issues packaging Rust
already, because it self-compiles.  If the build tool also had a Rust
pre-dependency, that would be a big step backwards.
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