On 24/01/14 03:54, Brandon Sanderson wrote:

I would expect Channel::new() to create a channel object that either lets me send and receive, or lets me get a source and sink to send and receive with. Borrow rules may prevent this, but my point is that Channel::new() would generally be expected to return a struct, and not a tuple.

Yes.  I think either:

* Channel should be a struct, created by Channel::new(), with sender and receiver instances as fields (by whatever name) -- essentially, the tuple should become a struct, with better naming of port and chan * Channel should have a ChannelTrait implemention, with send() and receive(), and should be created by Channel::new()

But from what Benjamin says below, it seems like the latter isn't necessary.

On Jan 23, 2014 7:29 PM, "Benjamin Striegel" <ben.strie...@gmail.com <mailto:ben.strie...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    This all seems a bit silly. A channel *is*, conceptually, a tuple
    of a sender and a receiver. If I call Chan::new(), that's what I
    expect to get. And Chan::open() doesn't map to anything that's as


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