Here's the current state of official project support for various forums:

* is for *discussion of the development of Rust itself*. It is maintained by Mozilla.
* r/rust is for user discussion. It is maintained by the community.
* rust-dev is for user discussion. It is maintained by Mozilla. It used to be for development discussion but none of the core developers like working there because the signal-to-noise is awful and it is unmoderatable.
* stackoverflow is ultimately where we want users to go for help.

Discourse is an *experiment* to see if it works better than mailing lists for having civil conversations. If it works, we may shut off the mailing list. It's not clear whether we would extend discourse to general Rust discussion or leave reddit and stackoverflow for that.

On 07/30/2014 06:08 PM, Tobias Müller wrote:

I'm following rust for quite a while, but the discussions are more and more
distributed between different places.
The mailing list was probably first, then with more user attention reddit
and StackOverflow, and now the discourse forum.

I understand that StackOverflow and Reddit are more for users, not
developers, but the discourse forum seems mostly redundant.

What's the reason for that split? Is the mailing list deprecated? Which one
is the future?

I for myself prefer the mailing list because of the gmane NNTP service, I
can use my usual usenet software and have all my forums in one place.


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