whew, that was an exhaustive explanation, thanks for taking the efforts to write in the detailed response.

i realised one thing, the best way to learn "rust" would be to not have any preconceived notions about it, as well as to take things a bit easy and learn the language as it is, one morsel at a time.


On 2015-01-11 19:17, Kevin McGuire wrote:
Oh, hell. I forgot about Option<T>.

You see also in Rust nothing can be uninitialized! Unless you use
unsafe code. This little type is your friend. It gives you the
equivalent of uninitialized data. So take some time and research it or
play around with it.

On Sun, Jan 11, 2015 at 7:43 AM, Kevin McGuire <kmcg3...@gmail.com>

I can not answer very well about the OO capabilities of Rust since
it is hard to define, but Rust does support:

methods of a type/structure that take a special _self _argument

traits which are like interfaces that any type/structure can

operator overloads like + for one

There is no inheritance at the moment although you can get a kind of
hack version of it using the Deref trait on an object. The Deref is
mostly used by smart pointers. The smart pointer type wraps your
inner type and then allows access to the inner type through the
de-reference support of Deref.

The only other object like feel is of the namespace system.

In Rust everything has the capability to have a method although the
primitive types are kind of special.

Also I have seen and used an operator overload for a structure once
so I know it has that ability now which I think may have been fairly

So Rust is capable of some object oriented programming. You do not
have to do object oriented programming.

Also, the per-requisites for Rust - Yes functional programming would
be just fine. I am going to go ahead and tell you where you may
struggle with learning Rust.

The major problem you will have is coming to understand ownership
and lifetimes. These two things are what makes Rust memory safe and
are fantastic however at first they will seem like a curse. You
might even give up on Rust because they will make writing code
difficult at first.

The second problem you are going to have is feeling a little lost as
to how to allocate memory during run-time and also you will feel
very confused as how to overcome lifetime limitations by your
limited knowledge of the pointer types.

_These two problems you are going to face no matter what language
you have come from._

To help you first I would like to to take note of Box<T> and Rc<T>.
Do not worry about understanding them. Just keep them in the back of
your head. The first is Box<T> and the next is Rc<T>. There is
another one called Arc<T> for data to be shared by threads. Okay..

Also, a quick word on ownership. Everything is owned. What being
owned is that everything has a home. Some types are Copy which means
when you assign them somewhere else they are copied byte for byte.
Your native primitives like integers are copyable. The problem you
will encounter is when you work with non-copyable types which are
abundant. At first you might want to curse the fact that a type is
not copyable but it is a very powerful feature not a hindrance.

If a type is not copyable and you assign it or pass it into a
function by value (sort of speak) you will cause a _move _to happen.
A move is part of the ownership system. Think of moving an argument
into a function as the function sort of consumes the argument. It
leaves it's original home and moves into the function. The function
now owns the argument. Also keep in mind that the function can move
the type back out through the return value and you could place it
back in it's original home.

Okay, so now you will run into the situation where you want to have
an instance of a type stored in more than one place? Well, you have
two options. If the type supports Clone you can call the clone
method and produce a duplicate. The exact way clone works is very
specific to the type. It might create a completely separate type or
the two might still be linked. Do not worry at the moment as this
will become evident as you learn Rust.

Just keep in mind that for non-copyable types or types in which you
do not want a copy you can create a smart-pointer to manage them:

let pointer = Rc::new(myothervar);

let secondhome = pointer.clone();


Also to note you will find the smart-pointer clunky and you will be
confused as how to write libraries or make a good API for your
application. I would like to leave you with one more concept. You
will find passin Rc<MyType> around cumbersome. To remedy this you
can learn the pattern of making MyType wrap the Rc so the Rc is
internal to it. So your API will pass around MyType instead.

Okay, sorry for such a long mail. I just hope this little tips and
things can help you instead of making you quit leaving a bitter
taste for Rust!

On Sun, Jan 11, 2015 at 7:17 AM, Mayuresh Kathe <mayur...@kathe.in>
hello matthieu,

thanks for responding.

you mentioned that "rust" supports some object-oriented concepts.
may i know which?

also, deviating a bit off-topic, would a decent grasp of functional
programming be a pre-requisite to learning "rust"?



On 2015-01-11 17:21, Matthieu Monrocq wrote:
Hello Mayuresh,

The problem with your question is dual:

 - OO itself is a fairly overloaded term, and it is unclear what
definition you use for it: Alan Kay's original? The presence of
inheritance? ...
 - Just because a language supports OO concepts does not mean that
ONLY supports OO concepts, many languages are multi-paradigms and
be used for procedural programming, object-oriented programming (in
loose sense given the loose definition in practice), generic
programming, functional programming, ...

Rust happens to be a multi-paradigms language. It supports some,
not all, object-oriented concepts, but also thrives with free
functions and generic functions and supports functional programming
expressiveness (but not purity concepts).

I would also note that I have C striving to achieve some OO
(opaque pointers for encapsulation, virtual-dispatch through
written virtual-tables, ...), some even in C you cannot necessarily
avoid the OO paradigm, depending on the libraries you use.

Is Rust a good language for you? Maybe!

The only way for you to know is to give it a spin.

Have a nice day.

-- Matthieu

On Sun, Jan 11, 2015 at 2:59 AM, Mayuresh Kathe <mayur...@kathe.in>


i am an absolute newbie to rust.

is rust an object-oriented programming language?

i ask because i detest 'oo', and am looking for something better



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