
The main feature of OOP that Rust supports is polymorphism, though it is
achieved via type-classes rather inheritance (*). It also features
encapsulation, but it may have existed before OOP so it's hard to view it
as an OOP-feature...

Regarding the need to learn functional programming first, I would actually
see it the other way around: by learning Rust, you will learn a number of
functional programming concepts/idioms that may pick your interest in
learning more functionally oriented languages. I do not think that prior
exposure is required, but then I had already prior exposure so may not be
the best qualified here.

Try it out! It just takes 30min to read the Introduction:
http://doc.rust-lang.org/intro.html and you'll know if you wish to dig
further or if it's not for you yet.

(*) For the uninitiated, this means that the creator of a type does not
hardcode the list of interfaces its type support, but rather you can create
your own interface and implement it yourself for a 3rd party type. You can
also of course implement a 3rd party interface for your own type, but that
is already supported in Java-like OO.

On Sun, Jan 11, 2015 at 2:54 PM, Mayuresh Kathe <mayur...@kathe.in> wrote:

> whew, that was an exhaustive explanation, thanks for taking the efforts to
> write in the detailed response.
> i realised one thing, the best way to learn "rust" would be to not have
> any preconceived notions about it, as well as to take things a bit easy and
> learn the language as it is, one morsel at a time.
> ~mayuresh
> On 2015-01-11 19:17, Kevin McGuire wrote:
>> Oh, hell. I forgot about Option<T>.
>> You see also in Rust nothing can be uninitialized! Unless you use
>> unsafe code. This little type is your friend. It gives you the
>> equivalent of uninitialized data. So take some time and research it or
>> play around with it.
>> On Sun, Jan 11, 2015 at 7:43 AM, Kevin McGuire <kmcg3...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>  I can not answer very well about the OO capabilities of Rust since
>>> it is hard to define, but Rust does support:
>>> methods of a type/structure that take a special _self _argument
>>> traits which are like interfaces that any type/structure can
>>> implement
>>> operator overloads like + for one
>>> There is no inheritance at the moment although you can get a kind of
>>> hack version of it using the Deref trait on an object. The Deref is
>>> mostly used by smart pointers. The smart pointer type wraps your
>>> inner type and then allows access to the inner type through the
>>> de-reference support of Deref.
>>> The only other object like feel is of the namespace system.
>>> In Rust everything has the capability to have a method although the
>>> primitive types are kind of special.
>>> Also I have seen and used an operator overload for a structure once
>>> so I know it has that ability now which I think may have been fairly
>>> recent.
>>> So Rust is capable of some object oriented programming. You do not
>>> have to do object oriented programming.
>>> Also, the per-requisites for Rust - Yes functional programming would
>>> be just fine. I am going to go ahead and tell you where you may
>>> struggle with learning Rust.
>>> The major problem you will have is coming to understand ownership
>>> and lifetimes. These two things are what makes Rust memory safe and
>>> are fantastic however at first they will seem like a curse. You
>>> might even give up on Rust because they will make writing code
>>> difficult at first.
>>> The second problem you are going to have is feeling a little lost as
>>> to how to allocate memory during run-time and also you will feel
>>> very confused as how to overcome lifetime limitations by your
>>> limited knowledge of the pointer types.
>>> _These two problems you are going to face no matter what language
>>> you have come from._
>>> To help you first I would like to to take note of Box<T> and Rc<T>.
>>> Do not worry about understanding them. Just keep them in the back of
>>> your head. The first is Box<T> and the next is Rc<T>. There is
>>> another one called Arc<T> for data to be shared by threads. Okay..
>>> Also, a quick word on ownership. Everything is owned. What being
>>> owned is that everything has a home. Some types are Copy which means
>>> when you assign them somewhere else they are copied byte for byte.
>>> Your native primitives like integers are copyable. The problem you
>>> will encounter is when you work with non-copyable types which are
>>> abundant. At first you might want to curse the fact that a type is
>>> not copyable but it is a very powerful feature not a hindrance.
>>> If a type is not copyable and you assign it or pass it into a
>>> function by value (sort of speak) you will cause a _move _to happen.
>>> A move is part of the ownership system. Think of moving an argument
>>> into a function as the function sort of consumes the argument. It
>>> leaves it's original home and moves into the function. The function
>>> now owns the argument. Also keep in mind that the function can move
>>> the type back out through the return value and you could place it
>>> back in it's original home.
>>> Okay, so now you will run into the situation where you want to have
>>> an instance of a type stored in more than one place? Well, you have
>>> two options. If the type supports Clone you can call the clone
>>> method and produce a duplicate. The exact way clone works is very
>>> specific to the type. It might create a completely separate type or
>>> the two might still be linked. Do not worry at the moment as this
>>> will become evident as you learn Rust.
>>> Just keep in mind that for non-copyable types or types in which you
>>> do not want a copy you can create a smart-pointer to manage them:
>>> let pointer = Rc::new(myothervar);
>>> let secondhome = pointer.clone();
>>> myfunction(secondhome);
>>> Also to note you will find the smart-pointer clunky and you will be
>>> confused as how to write libraries or make a good API for your
>>> application. I would like to leave you with one more concept. You
>>> will find passin Rc<MyType> around cumbersome. To remedy this you
>>> can learn the pattern of making MyType wrap the Rc so the Rc is
>>> internal to it. So your API will pass around MyType instead.
>>> Okay, sorry for such a long mail. I just hope this little tips and
>>> things can help you instead of making you quit leaving a bitter
>>> taste for Rust!
>>> On Sun, Jan 11, 2015 at 7:17 AM, Mayuresh Kathe <mayur...@kathe.in>
>>> wrote:
>>> hello matthieu,
>>> thanks for responding.
>>> you mentioned that "rust" supports some object-oriented concepts.
>>> may i know which?
>>> also, deviating a bit off-topic, would a decent grasp of functional
>>> programming be a pre-requisite to learning "rust"?
>>> thanks,
>>> ~mayuresh
>>> On 2015-01-11 17:21, Matthieu Monrocq wrote:
>>> Hello Mayuresh,
>>> The problem with your question is dual:
>>>  - OO itself is a fairly overloaded term, and it is unclear what
>>> definition you use for it: Alan Kay's original? The presence of
>>> inheritance? ...
>>>  - Just because a language supports OO concepts does not mean that
>>> it
>>> ONLY supports OO concepts, many languages are multi-paradigms and
>>> can
>>> be used for procedural programming, object-oriented programming (in
>>> a
>>> loose sense given the loose definition in practice), generic
>>> programming, functional programming, ...
>>> Rust happens to be a multi-paradigms language. It supports some,
>>> but
>>> not all, object-oriented concepts, but also thrives with free
>>> functions and generic functions and supports functional programming
>>> expressiveness (but not purity concepts).
>>> I would also note that I have C striving to achieve some OO
>>> concepts
>>> (opaque pointers for encapsulation, virtual-dispatch through
>>> manually
>>> written virtual-tables, ...), some even in C you cannot necessarily
>>> avoid the OO paradigm, depending on the libraries you use.
>>> Is Rust a good language for you? Maybe!
>>> The only way for you to know is to give it a spin.
>>> Have a nice day.
>>> -- Matthieu
>>> On Sun, Jan 11, 2015 at 2:59 AM, Mayuresh Kathe <mayur...@kathe.in>
>>> wrote:
>>> hello,
>>> i am an absolute newbie to rust.
>>> is rust an object-oriented programming language?
>>> i ask because i detest 'oo', and am looking for something better
>>> than
>>> "c".
>>> thanks,
>>> ~mayuresh
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