Hello Ralph.

Ralph Corderoy wrote in <20190326173724.c088721...@orac.inputplus.co.uk>:
 |Hi Steffen,
 |>    < ${rc} ${awk} 'BEGIN{line = ""}{
 |>       gsub(/^[[:space:]]+/, "", $0)
 |> This removes leading indentation
 |>       gsub(/[[:space:]]+$/, "", $0)
 |>       if(gsub(/\\$/, "", $0)){
 |How does one escape a non-continuing backslash at the end of a line?

Not in make.rc, no.  It works in our command line (editor).

 |>          line = line $0
 |>          next
 |>          line = line $0
 |>       if(index(line, "#") == 1){
 |>          line = ""
 |> This strips comments
 |>}else if(length(line)){
 |>          print line
 |>          line = ""
 |>}' |
 |If make.rc isn't run by sh(1), but preprocessed by awk first then isn't
 |the next step to do the preprocessing stage on its own, and run that
 |output with sh, as well as inspect it, e.g. search for a «`» that could
 |be unterminated?

Hm, i do not truly understand what you mean.  This is
a configuration file to build the software, nothing all too
complicated.  In fact no one ever modifies it, to the best of my
knowledge, as you can adjust all options from the command line.
The awk step has been introduced because i had problems to do it
with shells (some VMs seem to look out for sh and try to prevent
fork bombs it seems).  The little convenience that is there is
just about good enough, i hope.  But works!

|Der Kragenbaer,                The moon bear,
|der holt sich munter           he cheerfully and one by one
|einen nach dem anderen runter  wa.ks himself off
|(By Robert Gernhardt)

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