Hello Ralph.

Ralph Corderoy wrote in <20190330113616.93a8c20...@orac.inputplus.co.uk>:
 |> Be liberal in what you expect but strict in what you produce
 |Postel's Law is fitting for the 1970s.  Now it just causes problems.
 |    That experience shows that there are negative long-term consequences
 |    to interoperability if an implementation applies Postel's advice.
 |    Correcting the problems caused by divergent behavior in
 |    implementations can be difficult or impossible.
 |        ― https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-thomson-postel-was-wrong-00

Interesting.  But i think he is wrong in that: i do not follow.

I mean sure, for binary protocols etc. it is of course right to go
as strict as possible, and noone ever i know would say something
different.  But despite that i think he has had fun writing this,
it is of no value beside that, in real life.

In real life you have tag soup, you have libinput and kernel-side
USB and PCI databases with quirks over quirks for the sole purpose
of achieving interoperability or even usability at first place.
Being "totally strict" is a dream, and it can be made real: on the
producer side.  Now that is Postel, to see the three fingers
pointing back at you when you point at someone.  Accusing Postel's
law as the root of the evil is a bit smelly, i think.  Rewriting
this draft in Rust would surely make it better.

|Der Kragenbaer,                The moon bear,
|der holt sich munter           he cheerfully and one by one
|einen nach dem anderen runter  wa.ks himself off
|(By Robert Gernhardt)

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