
I am new to s-mail (thank you! seems wonderful so far), and it is
possible I am doing something wrong. However, this behavior was
unexpected and seems to contradict the man page, so figured I'd ask.

I am trying to set quote-inject-head to "%r wrote:\n".

Whether I include or omit the "\n", and irrespective of which editor I
use (I've tried emacs, mg and vi), the "\n" never seems to get
respected. What ends up happening is the quote gets mangled, and looks
something like this:

"John Smith wrote:\n > first line of quoted message"

Note that the "\n" is printed as a string, and not obeyed as a new line.

The *default* setting (i.e. omitting setting my own quote-inject-head)
works as expected.

The man page seems to suggest that a newline character is required, but
clearly that's not working in my case. :-)

I am using OpenBSD, with nail version from the ports tree:

moon$ nail --version
nail v14.9.24, 2022-03-26 (built for OpenBSD)

Below is my ~/.mailrc. Hoping someone can provide me some advice. Please
let me know if there's anything else I can provide.




set v15-compat
set color-disable
set sendcharsets=utf-8
set reply-in-same-charset
set fullnames
set followup-to followup-to-honour-ask-yes reply-to-honor=ask-yes
set markanswered
set editalong
set history-gabby=all
set history-file=~/.s-nailhist
set autosort=thread
unset autocollapse
set hold
set askattach
set askcc
set askbcc
set editheaders
set quote
set quote-fold=72
set indentprefix="> "
set quote-inject-head="%r wrote:\n"
set crt=10
set PAGER=less
set prompt='nail> '

account "personal" {
        localopts yes
        set folder=~/Mail
        set inbox=+INBOX
        set record=+INBOX
        set from="Ashton Fagg <ash...@fagg.id.au>"

        headerpick type retain from_ date from to cc bcc subject \
                message-id mail-followup-to reply-to

        shortcut inbox +INBOX
        shortcut archives +Archives/2022
        commandalias sync !/bin/ksh -i -c "msync"

account personal

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