Hi Anne,

I just joined sage-combinat-devel, so, this time, I can answer

On 24 Mrz., 09:39, Anne Schilling <a...@math.ucdavis.edu> wrote:
> Looking at the link, it seems this is working with monomials in
> commutative variables. But this would still apply for monoids/
> algebras where the generators do not necessarily all commute?

The trick is to interpret elements of a free algebra as elements of a
very large commutative ring (namely with infinitely many generators).
This is where the name "letterplace" comes from. Namely, each
generator of the letterplace algebra is given by a pair formed by a
letter (corresponding to a generator of the free algebra that one
wants to study) and an integer (the place).

Then, the commutative monomial x(2)*x(4)*y(1)*z(3) corresponds to the
non-commutative monomial y*x*z*x. The free associative multiplication
can be emulated by a shift of the indices followed by the commutative
multiplication: The free associative product of x(1)*y(2) with
y(1)*z(2) corresponds to x(1)*y(2)*y(3)*z(4).

So, it somehow is a hack, but it works.

> > On the other hand, currently, it is
> > only usable with homogeneous elements. My letterplace wrapper will
> > therefore refuse to add elements of different degrees.
> You mean when the relations are homogeneous?

No. Currently, the Letterplace implementation in Singular has a bug.
If I remember correctly, the bug is as follows.
When you shift-multiply x(1)+y(1)*y(2) with z(1), you would obtain
x(1)*z(3)+y(1)*y(2)*z(3). But x(1)*z(3) has an index gap, and It was
forgotten to close the gap by "compressing the indices". That means
trouble: If you shift-multiply monomials with index gap, then the
result is not what we want. Such as the square of x(1)*y(4), yielding
x(1)*y(4)*x(3)*y(6), which corresponds to the element x*x*y*y in the
free algebra, not x*y*x*y.

Therefore, in my to-be-submitted-as-soon-as-the-damned-documentation-
correctly-builds patch, it is excluded to even *create* an
inhomogeneous element. Probably that will be allowed as soon as the
next Singular version is in Sage.

Best regards,

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