Bonjour Florent,

Thanks for the suggestions.

(1)  None of these options worked to get back to mouse *outside* of the sage/VM 
window.  The only way I could get the mouse back for the rest of my desktop was 
to do Control-Alt-Delete, tell the machine I was logging off, and then 
cancelling when it asked me to force shutdown of various programs.

(2)  Here is precisely what I am doing:  Starting Oracle VM VirtualBox, typing 
Control C twice to quit the Sage notebook, this brings up the prompt

[sage@sage sage]$

in the VM screen.  I then type


This brings up the prompt


in the VM screen.  Then I start trying commands in the VM screen, for example 
if I type

sage -i dot2tex

then I get the error message

File "<ipython console>", line 1
sage -i dot2tex
SyntaxError:  invalid syntax

If I try

./sage -i dot2tex

I get the same error message except that the caret (^) points to the period in 

Cheers, Bruce
[] on behalf of Florent Hivert 
Sent: Sunday, December 18, 2011 4:00 PM
Subject: Re: [sage-combinat-devel] Re: dot2tex, combinat

      Hi Bruce,

On Sun, Dec 18, 2011 at 08:51:29PM +0000, Sagan, Bruce wrote:
> I am now one step further: I can open the sage shell as explained in the
> README document (thanks, Nicolas, for pointing me to it).  But then I have
> two problems.
> (1) My mouse arrow disappears making it impossible to do anything except
  type in the sage window.

Have you tried Escape ? Shift+escape ? Ctrl+Escape ?

> (2) I tried a number of commands to try an install dot2tex: "sage -i
> dot2tex" "-i dot2tex" "install dot2tex" and they all gave me syntax errors.
> Thanks for any further help you can give me.

What is the precise error message ? Are you in the right directory ? Did you
try ./sage ... instead of sage ...



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