On 11/21/11 11:02 PM, William Stein wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 7:01 PM, Anne Schilling <a...@math.ucdavis.edu> wrote:
>> On 11/21/11 8:24 AM, William Stein wrote:
>>> On Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 8:08 AM, Dima Pasechnik <dimp...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> This means you have graphviz spkg installed under macosx...
>>>> I cannot seem to be able to accomplish this:
>>>> http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/7438
>>> I installed graphviz under OS X by installing it from the Graphviz
>>> website, instead of using the spkg.
>> After installing dot2tex using
>> sage -i dot2tex
>> does the command
>> sage: CrystalOfTableaux(['A',2], shape=[1]).latex()
>> '\n\\begin{tikzpicture}[>=latex,line join=bevel,]\n%%\n\\node (1) at 
>> (8bp,162bp) [draw,draw=none]
>> {${\\def\\lr#1{\\multicolumn{1}{|@{\\hspace{.6ex}}c@{\\hspace{.6ex}}|}{\\raisebox{-.3ex}{$#1$}}}\\raisebox{-.6ex}{$\\begin{array}[b]{c}\\cline{1-1}\\lr{1}\\\\\\cline{1-1}\\end{array}$}}$};\n
>>   \\node
>> (3) at (8bp,10bp) [draw,draw=none]
>> {${\\def\\lr#1{\\multicolumn{1}{|@{\\hspace{.6ex}}c@{\\hspace{.6ex}}|}{\\raisebox{-.3ex}{$#1$}}}\\raisebox{-.6ex}{$\\begin{array}[b]{c}\\cline{1-1}\\lr{3}\\\\\\cline{1-1}\\end{array}$}}$};\n
>>   \\node
>> (2) at (8bp,86bp) [draw,draw=none]
>> {${\\def\\lr#1{\\multicolumn{1}{|@{\\hspace{.6ex}}c@{\\hspace{.6ex}}|}{\\raisebox{-.3ex}{$#1$}}}\\raisebox{-.6ex}{$\\begin{array}[b]{c}\\cline{1-1}\\lr{2}\\\\\\cline{1-1}\\end{array}$}}$};\n
>>   \\draw
>> [blue,->] (1) ..controls (8bp,140.79bp) and (8bp,121.03bp)  .. (2);\n  
>> \\definecolor{strokecol}{rgb}{0.0,0.0,0.0};\n  
>> \\pgfsetstrokecolor{strokecol}\n  \\draw (17bp,124bp) node {$1$};\n  \\draw
>> [red,->] (2) ..controls (8bp,64.789bp) and (8bp,45.027bp)  .. (3);\n  \\draw 
>> (17bp,48bp) node {$2$};\n%\n\\end{tikzpicture}\n'
>> work?
> Yes.
> When I was preparing my talk, I was evidently using sage-4.7.1.  I
> upgraded to a newer version of Sage, and the issue is totally
> resolved.   Sorry for the noise and thanks for the further debugging 
> questions.
> Just to confirm, doing
> sage: CrystalOfTableaux(['A',2], shape=[1]).latex_file('/tmp/a.tex')
> sage:
> no longer gives an error for me, and it *does* create the file
> /tmp/a.tex and if I go to the /tmp directory, pdflatex it, and view
> the
> resulting pdf, then I get the diagram.

By the way, you should be able to bypass the step of pdflatex in a directory by
using the commands

sage: C = CrystalOfTableaux(['A',2], shape=[1])
sage: view(C)

directly in Sage. The picture should just come up.



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