Hi everyone,

I just noticed that the default basis ring for ambient space has been
changed to cyclotomic field. I don't know the reason behind that but
it doesn't seem handy !

In my case, I use the elements of the ambient space to index another
combinatorial free module and it is a pain that their basis ring
elements are not number.

Here is an example:

sage: R = RootSystem("A3")
sage: A3 = R.ambient_space()
sage: key = A3.an_element()
sage: key
(2, 2, 3, 0)
sage: key[0]
sage: type(key[0])
sage: xrange(key[0])
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)

/home/pons/sage-5.0.rc0/devel/sage-combinat/<ipython console> in <module>()

TypeError: an integer is required

This type of thing just broke my entire patch on multivariate
polynomials. I had to fix it by changing the field to ZZ or QQ but I
wonder why the default field has been changed...



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