Hi Mike,

On 5/13/12 7:14 PM, Mike Zabrocki wrote:
> I have been digging into Macdonald polynomials all this last week and every 
> time I think I have a way of cleaning up the problem, I scratch the surface 
> and another problem arises.
> I'd like some advice about what should be going on behind the scenes.  I know 
> what behavior we would like to have.
> Here is some strange behavior (bugs) with what we have now:
> Example 1
> sage: reset()
> sage: R = FractionField(QQ['q','t'])
> sage: (q,t) = R.gens()
> sage: Ht = MacdonaldPolynomialsHt(R)
> sage: s = SFASchur(R)
> sage: s(Ht[3,1]) # I don't think this is correct behavior
> TypeError: not a constant polynomial
> sage: s = SFASchur(Ht.base_ring()) # ah, thats better
> q^3*t*s[1, 1, 1, 1] + (q^3+q^2*t+q*t)*s[2, 1, 1] + (q^2+q*t)*s[2, 2] + 
> (q^2+q+t)*s[3, 1] + s[4]
> sage: s.base_ring()
> Fraction Field of Multivariate Polynomial Ring in q, t over Fraction Field of 
> Multivariate Polynomial Ring in q, t over Rational Field

I think your brain is already too used to the new set-up. As far as I remember 
the way to currently
access the Macdonald polynomials is:

sage: Ht = MacdonaldPolynomialsHt(QQ)
sage: s = SFASchur(Ht.base_ring())
sage: s(Ht[3,1])
q^3*t*s[1, 1, 1, 1] + (q^3+q^2*t+q*t)*s[2, 1, 1] + (q^2+q*t)*s[2, 2] + 
(q^2+q+t)*s[3, 1] + s[4]
sage: s.base_ring()
Fraction Field of Multivariate Polynomial Ring in q, t over Rational Field

Note, the input field is QQ and not the fraction field.

> Example 2 - 
> sage: reset()
> sage: R = FractionField(QQ['q','t'])
> sage: (q,t) = R.gens()
> sage: Ht1 = MacdonaldPolynomialsHt(R)
> sage: Ht2 = MacdonaldPolynomialsHt(R,t=1)
> sage: s = SFASchur(Ht1.base_ring())
> sage: s(Ht1[3,1]) # I guess this answer is right
> q^3*t*s[1, 1, 1, 1] + (q^3+q^2*t+q*t)*s[2, 1, 1] + (q^2+q*t)*s[2, 2] + 
> (q^2+q+t)*s[3, 1] + s[4]
> sage: s(Ht2[3,1]) #but this one is clearly wrong
> q^3*t*s[1, 1, 1, 1] + (q^3+q^2*t+q*t)*s[2, 1, 1] + (q^2+q*t)*s[2, 2] + 
> (q^2+q+t)*s[3, 1] + s[4]
> sage: s.base_ring()
> Fraction Field of Multivariate Polynomial Ring in q, t over Fraction Field of 
> Multivariate Polynomial Ring in q, t over Rational Field

Same here:

sage: reset()
sage: Ht1 = MacdonaldPolynomialsHt(QQ)
sage: Ht2 = MacdonaldPolynomialsHt(QQ,t=1)
sage: s = SFASchur(Ht1.base_ring())
sage: s(Ht1[3,1])
q^3*t*s[1, 1, 1, 1] + (q^3+q^2*t+q*t)*s[2, 1, 1] + (q^2+q*t)*s[2, 2] + 
(q^2+q+t)*s[3, 1] + s[4]
sage: s(Ht2[3,1])
q^3*s[1, 1, 1, 1] + (q^3+q^2+q)*s[2, 1, 1] + (q^2+q)*s[2, 2] + (q^2+q+1)*s[3, 
1] + s[4]
sage: s.base_ring()
Fraction Field of Multivariate Polynomial Ring in q, t over Rational Field

> sage: reset()
> sage: R = FractionField(QQ['q','t'])
> sage: Ht = MacdonaldPolynomialsHt(R,q=1)
> sage: s = SFASchur(Ht.base_ring())
> sage: Ht
> Macdonald polynomials in the Ht basis with q=1 over Fraction Field of 
> Univariate Polynomial Ring in t over Fraction Field of Multivariate 
> Polynomial Ring in q, t over Rational Field
> sage: s(Ht[3,1]) # and the same problem exists with q=1
> q^3*t*s[1, 1, 1, 1] + (q^3+q^2*t+q*t)*s[2, 1, 1] + (q^2+q*t)*s[2, 2] + 
> (q^2+q+t)*s[3, 1] + s[4]
> # So what seems to make these work better is that we assign a value to both q 
> and t at the same time
> sage: R = FractionField(QQ['q','t'])
> sage: (q,t) = R.gens()
> sage: Ht = MacdonaldPolynomialsHt(R,q=1,t=t)
> sage: s = SFASchur(Ht.base_ring())
> sage: s(Ht[3,1]) 
> t*s[1, 1, 1, 1] + (2*t+1)*s[2, 1, 1] + (t+1)*s[2, 2] + (t+2)*s[3, 1] + s[4]
> So what is the right way of fixing this?  Should I calculate the qt-Kostka 
> polynomials
> for arbitrary q and t and specialize later?  Should I make sure that the 
> base_ring() behaves the way it does when set q=x, t=y?

I think you just used the wrong input base field for the current set-up.



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