On 10/20/13 12:16 PM, Andrew Mathas wrote:
> There have been more comments on the ticket. As Nils doesn't read 
> sage-combinat I'll post to both places.
> Replying to [comment:9 stumpc5]:
>> We use {{{Partition}}} for {{{IntegerPartition}}}, though it could as well 
>> refer to {{{SetPartition}}} or whatever else. For me {{{IntegerPartition}}} 
>> is a partition of a positive integer. I would be totally fine with using 
>> {{{IntegerPartition}}} and {{{IntegerComposition}}}.
> I am against changing the name of the `Partition` class to 
> `IntegerPartition`. This would create a major patch bomb as `Partition` is 
> used in many places -- a quick and dirty count with grep gives me
> 114 different python files.
> More importantly, even though the name `IntegerPartition` is not bad, I do 
> not think it is what most people would guess when looking for partitions so 
> this change would, in effect, make `sage ` harder
> to use. Of the files using `Partition`, 29 of them are outside of the 
> `combinat` directory so presumably the usage of this class is wider than just 
> algebraic combinatorics).
> As far as I am aware there is no name conflict with the name `Partition` 
> (btw, there already is a separate `SetPartition` class). The only 
> justification for changing this name given so far is in order
> to maintain name consistency with a potential name change for `Composition`. 
> I do not think that this is a good argument.
> With regard to `Composition`, I do not have any strong feelings. I do not see 
> anything wrong with having both `IntegerComposition` and `Partition` in the 
> name-space. On the other hand, since no one
> has noticed a problem with `Composition` before I don't really understand why 
> there is suddenly a problem now, especially as there already is a much 
> superior notation already available for the
> composition of two maps:
> {{{
> sage: a=Hom(ZZ,ZZ)(1)
> sage: b=Hom(ZZ,ZZ)(1)
> sage: a*b
> Ring endomorphism of Integer Ring
>   Defn: 1 |--> 1
> }}}
> As there already is a really good way to compose maps in sage I don't find 
> the argument for changing the meaning of `Composition` very compelling.

I agree with Andrew on this!


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