> - Should we use a fork for sage-combinat? Or branches for the various patches
>   or projects?

Technically, every clone is a fork. :-)

>   * If we do use a fork, how to sync the combinat fork with the main sage
>     fork? In particular, once branches are merged in the main fork, can they
>     merge in the fork as well?

I'd suggest that sage-combinat is built on top of the sage repository
and that the master branch in that sage-combinat repository is identical
with the master branch of sage. sage-combinat additions should be
developed in a separate branch, call it combinat-master or so. As far as
I understand, sage-combinat will have many branches anyway.

Technically, that would just mean that sage-combinat is a (or many)
branches of the official sage repository. That would certainly ease the
way to keep in sync with the sage repository since a simple "git fetch"
brings in all the commits from the sage repository.

>     Is there an automatic way to remove a sage-combinat branch once
>     it has been merged into main sage?

To automate this is probably easy since one would only have to do

  git branch -D branch-to-be-removed
  git push origin :branch-to-be-removed

(where I assume that "origin" points to the official sage-combinat

> - Will it be easy to switch between branches (like experimental code,
>   branches to be reviewed etc)?

Just do a "git checkout branch-name".


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