On 2014-01-31, Anna Clawson <sead...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks a lot Dmitri! 
> I've made the corrections that you and Andrey have suggested:
> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B87aVe10sJDAT0RSdTdEdnd4bG8/edit?usp=sharing
more bugs:

RR must be "Вещественные", not "Натуральные"
(the latter means "natural"!)

span() must be "Линейная оболочка" rather than "Подпространство"
(the latter means "subspace")

"Показать настройки времени" -> "Замерить время исполнения команды"

"Настенное" -> "Реальное"

there are aslo extra '\' in G.chtomatic_polynomial() and in

Успехов! :-)

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