Hey Mike,

I would say that the skew partition input into bases (other than Schur 
> functions, and for Schurs the documentation is insufficient...see sf.html) 
> is undocumented and so the output should be suspect (and not what one would 
> hope).
> For Schur functions, I think the output is what I would expect and so of 
> (A), (B) and (C), I think that (B) is the way to go and it should be better 
> documented.
> I can add a fourth option:
> if sp is a skew partition then
> (D) basis(sp) returns basis(sp[0]).skew_by(basis.dual_basis()(sp[1]))
> This agrees with the definition of the Schur function indexed by a skew 
> partition and would probably be the most natural analogue of the notation 
> basis(sp)
> I can see two problems with this approach:
> (a) I don't know how often "dual_basis" is implemented and
> (b) one would need to document and mathematically motivate this notation 
> and I could see an argument being made for another definition.
> Every classical Sym basis has a dual_basis() implemented, but (b) is 
definitely more of a sticking point.

> Hence I still say (B).

Then I will do (B) unless anybody has any other suggestions or objections.

> Where are you planning to add the method skew_schur()?  Would this go as 
> a method of the Schur basis or of the symmetric functions?
> I was going to add it to the generic basis code which does the Schur 
expansion and converts that over to self, just like the 
carlitz_shareshian_wachs or gessel_reutenauer function.

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