On Thursday 19 October 2006 18:04, kaimmello wrote:
> > I think Martin is not suggesting to use the official Debian packages but
> > to provide our own repository,
> > which means we would (eventually) maintain our own deb versions of GAP,
> > Maxima, etc. This
> > is a great long term goal, IMHO.
> IMHO it's quite dangerous to provide and maintain our own packages of
> all components (GAP, Maxima, etc) because
> - it requires much work that, if lacking, may cause SAGE package to
> become obsolete
> - if, on the contrary, all efforts are concentrated on SAGE, the
> traditional packages of GAP, Maxima, etc, may become obsolete, and it's
> not a good idea to grow by cutting our own roots.
> - if SAGE team works on one component but then the team of that
> component comes out with a major release not including SAGE patches, we
> can occur in a fork, and is it's IMHO very bad.
> - by having more than one version of the same component, for example
> one stand-alone and one included in SAGE, we risk to betray the spirit
> of the free software, i.e. to use the available pieces of software.
> Doesn't it recall the "Hell of DLL's" in Windows world?? SAGE has been
> up to now the best "glue" for the scientific software...IMHO it would
> be really nice to glue also all existing debian packages.
> My hope would be to collaborate with the maintainers of the existing
> packages in order to update them with SAGE requirements in mind.

This might work for Maxima, GAP, etc. but it will be difficult for libraries 
like Python where SAGE is an pretty early adopter -- but Debian can handle to 
install both Python2.4 and Python2.5 -- and almost impossible for Pyrex where 
SAGE's version already is some kind of fork as our patches didn't get 
accepted upstream. In that case a sage-pyrex package will be needed?


> Best regards.
> Tiziano
name: Martin Albrecht
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