
On Tue, 14 Aug 2007 17:12:02 +0200
Martin Albrecht <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > William Stein wrote:
> > > I'll wait for the answers to the above questions.   I would be
> > > fine with including
> > > scons in SAGE.  I think it's already in one of the optional
> > > packages (I can't remember
> > > for sure though).  It's just a little python program, after all.
> > >
> > > It would take an absolutely massive amount of convincing to even
> > > begin to convince me to include the entire 17MB C++ boost library
> > > in SAGE.

Actually, the entire compiled (gcc-4.1, debian etch) boost library takes
up 437 MB, with an additional 35 MB for header files.

In order to compile PolyBori, we need only

- 2 MB of header files, if we omit the python wrapper and the
functionality implemented in python,
- 4.5 MB of header files, and 768 K of libraries, if we include the
python wrapper as well.

Obviously, the header files are not needed at runtime, and only the 768
K library would be needed.

For reference, scons takes about 3 MB and compiled libraries of PolyBoRi
take up more than 20 MB.

Do the numbers above still pose a problem for including PolyBoRi?

On a side note, I haven't looked into how much of the original boost
distribution (13 MB tar.bz2) do we need to build the 768 K library
mentioned above..

> I think we can benefit in two ways from PolyBori
> 1.) just use it for GB calculations. This way we can just use the
> existing Python-Boost wrapper, convert, calculate and convert back.
> In this scenario we would just have to investigate which pieces of
> boost we need.

This is not desirable for several reasons.

- The representation of these polynomials in other software is not
efficient, and they run out of memory very quickly.
- We lose the optimizations it provides for arithmetic, which are also
very significant.
- Conversion of polynomials between different formats might be a big
penalty for anything other than toy examples.

If possible we should go for the option below.

> 2.) use PolyBori as the backend for the native SAGE datatype. So if a
> user constructs 
>     F_2[x_1,...,x_n]/FieldIdeal 
> he/she gets QuotientRingElement_polybori just like he/she sometimes
> gets MPolynomial_libsingular now. If we are going to do that, we will
> need to wrap PolyBori again anyway to match our expected interface.
> However, in that case, we still want to allow/reimplement the native
> boost-power interface because some highlevel code of PolyBoRi is
> written in Python. If we can _replicate_ what is done using Boost
> with Cython -- I know we can, the question is how long it takes --
> the highlevel-code would still work. So in this scenario we'll have
> to wrap twice.

After looking at the size of boost, it doesn't look like rewriting the 
C++/python wrapper of PolyBoRi would be necessary. I think it is also
worth the trouble of including the boost-python interface, since it
provides a very elegant and easy method of interfacing C++ [1]. I tried
googling for ways of using cython with C++ and the code that came up
was not very pleasant.

[1] http://www.boost.org/libs/python/doc/tutorial/doc/html/index.html

> I strongly favor the second option.

I completely agree. :)



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