On 8/20/07, Robert Bradshaw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I can't imagine SAGE doing much (as it is now) in pure python--for
> example we wouldn't even have Integer.pyx.

Wrong.  The notebook is fully functional in pure python, as is DSAGE,
and as is all of the interfaces to Gap, maxima, etc.

>  Even the calculus package
> has pyx files, and I would envision it getting more.

Those are *only* to support some syntac suger, e.g., var('...') doing
namespace injection.  That unecessary for the calculus package.

>The "lite" makes
> it seem like the core is still there, and I don't see how to extract
> that.

It depends on what you view as the core.  Maybe lite is the wrong name.
For tons of people out there the notebook and interfaces are the only
parts of SAGE they currently use.  Think, e.g., of Fernando Perez -- he'd
be likely to use something simple-to-install with the interfaces to Mathematica,
etc., in it.  He has no need of our algebraic functionality, since he uses
scipy for his number crunching needs.

> The only think I could see in this direction is something called
> "SAGE interface" or something like that that would contain the tree
> items mentioned below, i.e.\
> - Notebook
> - DSage
> - (Pure python) interfaces.
> I think if it does anything mathematical on its own, it will be a
> very hard to draw (and understand) line (not to mention maintenance
> headache).

I disagree, especially because of the existence of Sympy.  A
couple months ago Sympy was not serious functionality wise,
like nzmath, but Sympy is rapidly progressing (partly because Google
gave them a lot of summer of code projects).  Sympy is nothing
like nzmath, and in fact I think sympy is going to improve greatly.

Also, I know the calculus stuff in SAGE very well,
and it's dependence on the rest of SAGE is fairly
minimal, so it would be easy to modify so it doesn't
depend on the serious math library part of SAGE.
It would work on any system with maxima installed.

Boothby says:
> Much of the core functionality of SAGE is written in Cython.  Since it is a
> stated goal of  Cython to be shipped with python, perhaps that would be
> a better place to focus, for now?

No, since Cython requires a compiler -- it's not interpreted code.  This
would violate one of the basic design constraints for SAGElite.

Anyway, I'm not surprised by the negative feedback so far, since people
have been telling me forever to create something like SAGElite and I've
been against it.  But now I think it is the right thing to do.

 -- William

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