On 9/17/07, William Stein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 9/17/07, Peter G. Doyle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I have recently discovered SAGE, which I think is really quite amazing.
> >
> > I am contemplating introducing the students in our honors calculus course
> > here at Dartmouth to SAGE.  I'm a bit leery about this, since I'm new to
> > myself.  I'm wondering if you can suggest materials (e.g. sample
> worksheets)
> > I could crib from.
> The time might not quite by right for doing this, since there isn't very
> much
> written about using SAGE for calculus beyond the reference manual chapter,
> which you already know about. I will teach calculus 1 year from now, and
> have
> my own very nice notes (which I made by sitting in on the best calculus
> teacher's
> class at UCSD), and will change them to use SAGE.  But that project is a
> year away.  I'm not aware of anybody else creating extensive notes on using
> SAGE for calculus yet.  (I'm cc'ing this to sage-devel -- if anybody there
> has
> any comments, please make them.)

I am working on it. It is a huge job and my time is limited so
progress is slow. I was planning on using your notes for
Calc 2 since I don't think it covers calc 1 (I could be misremembering...).
For calc 1, I'll try using Granville's old text (public domain); for
calc 3, using
Sean Mauch (also public domain); and for DEs, using my own notes.
I've looked at lots of others on the web but they were either licensed wrong or
unsuitable for some other reason.

> That said, one of the main longterm goals of SAGE is to provide a viable
> alternative
> to Maple, Mathematica, Matlab, and Magma, and for that to happen being up
> to snuff for calculus teaching is very important.  (For me longterm means
> "about
> a year".)
> > Some observations about SAGE.
> >
> > --  It would be great to have a short, simple description of
> > how to save and retrieve worksheets.  And maybe there could be an
> > `Open Worksheet' option on the file menu, right below `New Worksheet',
> > where it usually comes.  It took be the longest time to find the `Home'
> button!
> I agree. This has bugged me too.  This is now trac ticket #682:
>  http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/682
> > --  It's still far from clear to me what `downloading' and `uploading' are
> > supposed to mean.
> It's supposed to be exactly the same as "save" and "open".  Maybe I should
> change the names to "save" and "open"?  Right now the terminology just
> follows Google Documents (which inspired much of the notebook's layout).
> > --  When I install an updated version of SAGE, my old worksheets aren't
> > available.  I've been finding them, opening them with a text editor, and
> > copying the text into a new worksheet.  I bet there is a better way.
> That's very weird.
> There was some slight change in the root account versus admin account
> that might be responsible for this.  It never happen again in the future.
> > --  I think that the Python convention of not including the upper bound
> > in a sum is a real problem.
> >
> > sage: sum(i for i in range(1,10))
> > 45
> >
> > I understand this is a fundamental convention in Python, and that it is
> very
> > natural for people used to malloc(), but I worry that this will be a
> constant
> > headache for students (and professors!).
> Indeed, this is perhaps one of _the_ fundamental conventions.
> > SAGE understands that I want to
> > include the upper limit when I ask for a taylor series:
> >
> > sage: taylor(exp(x),x,0,3)
> > 1 + x + x^2/2 + x^3/6
> Maybe that is a bug? :-)
> > But in a sum it pretends not to understand what I mean.  I guess I could
> > define `myrange' to include the upper bound.  But I think it would be
> better
> > if you could come up with a nice, clean way to protect users from
> > this aspect of Python, as you have protected us from other aspects
> > (like ^, /, long integers).
> it would be easy to do this:
> sage: import __builtin__; range = lambda a,b: __builtin__.range(a,b+1)
> sage: range(1,10)
> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
> However, I am pretty sure people would complain about that way way
> more than they complain about the current situation, especially because
> a huge amount of code from books on Python wouldn't work anymore.
> There is a good reason range is defined the way it is in Python.
> With the above, you have to do funny things like this, i.e., put
> in len(v)-1, which is equally unnatural:
> sage: v = [1,5,17]
> sage: for i in range(0,len(v)-1): print v[i]
> ....:
> 1
> 5
> 17
> A better solution would, as you suggest, to define a function like
> range -- but not called range -- that includes both endpoints.
> One possibly nasty possibility would be to allow Magma-like
> notation:
>   sage: [1..4]
>   [1, 2, 3, 4]
>  I can't think of any situation where .. (not in a string) is valid Python,
> so the above might be a reasonable option.
> How does one specify an integer range in Maple, Mathematica, Maxima?
> > --  Speaking of long integers, I think this is probably a bug:
> > sage: sum(i for i in xrange(10^6))
> > 499999500000L
> That is not a bug.  Python's native long integer type has the unfortunately
> very annoying property that it prints with an L suffixed. You can make it
> back into a regular SAGE integer by doing the following:
> sage: Integer(sum(i for i in xrange(10^6)))
> 499999500000
> Some remarks:
>    * Small Python integers (like in the sum above) are much faster for
> arithmetic
> than SAGE's large integer type (Integer).
>    * SAGE's large integer type is vastly faster than Python's integers when
> the
> integers are big.  It's based on GMP.
>    * You could do the sum above entirely with SAGE GMP integers using the
> xsrange command, but it would be much slower:
> sage: time sum(i for i in xrange(10^6))
> CPU times: user 0.10 s, sys: 0.01 s, total: 0.11 s
> Wall time: 0.11
> 499999500000
> sage: time sum(i for i in xsrange(10^6))
> CPU times: user 2.96 s, sys: 0.03 s, total: 2.98 s
> Wall time: 3.01
> 499999500000
>    Part of the problem is that xsrange is in pure python -- it's not
> optimized at all.
> > --  The response to `latex?' seems to be out of date.
> >
> >         %latex
> >         The equation y^2 = x^3 + x defines an elliptic curve.
> >         We have 2006 = SAGE{factor(2006)}.
> >
> > I thought it was a great credit to SAGE that when I edited the sample
> input
> > in what seemed the obvious way, enclosing the math in $$ and changing SAGE
> > to \sage, that it worked as expected.
> Ah, you've found a bug.  What happens is that all SAGE documentation
>  is de-texed before displaying in the notebook (in plain text format).
> Unfortunately
> this detexing makes the documentation for latex appear completely
> wrong!
> The solution is probably to come up with a notation to tell SAGE not
> to do the detexing.  This is now trac #683.
> > --  Regarding latex, it would be great to have a simple description of
> > how to use the notebook interface to produce a paper in latex
> incorporating
> > sage input and output,
> It would be great if it were possible to do that.  Creating a "save as
> latex"
> option in the notebook has been on the todo list for a long time.  I have
> some "big plans" along these lines (in both directions)...
> > --  I haven't yet figured out how to run consistency tests (making sure
> > that examples have the correct output) within a sage notebook.
> This is also not implemented.  If the code doesn't take to long to compute,
> I usually just click "Evaluate All" under Action.  Then the output you see
> is definitely what SAGE produced.
> Another thing you can do -- if foo.tex is a tex file that contains
> SAGE sessions in verbatim environments, then you can type
>   sage -t foo.tex
> to make sure they work as claimed.  The SAGE sessions
> have to be like from the command line -- which you can get by clicking
> "Text" in the notebook, which will reformat a notebook session to
> look like a command line session (though it doesn't work for things
> that don't make sense at the command line, e.g., %latex).
> Also, if one verbatim block depends on the results of another
> you have to do this:
> \begin{verbatim}
> sage: a = 5
> \end{verbatim}%link
> ....
> %link
> \begin{verbatim}
> sage: print a
> 5
> \end{verbatim}
>  -- William
>  >

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