On Sep 20, 2007, at 12:05 AM, Bill Hart wrote:

> On 20 Sep, 06:39, Robert Bradshaw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
>>> To define an abstract number field, something like K =
>>> number_field(QQ, x^3-3*x^2+1) could work. Eventually one will  
>>> want to
>>> be able to do adjoin(K, y^5+7*y-1), compositum(L, M), etc.
>> Would/could these functions return lists too, if, say, the
>> intersection of L and M was not Q?
> Yeah, thinking about it some more, I think these functions really only
> make sense if everything is embedded in another field. In particular
> they should make sense if everything is embedded in an algebraic
> closure of Q.

Yes, but the idea is that the field both are embedded in could (in  
some cases) be automatically generated, or there would be a finite  
list of possibilities of compatibly embedding of L and M in to a  
larger field.

> But one might need to specify the field they are embedded in, since
> ideally number fields should be allowed to be specified with more than
> one embedding.
> I suppose that one could limit the number of embeddings of K to 1 and
> then just clone K and give the clone a different embedding. But
> whatever means is used to clone K it should be able to specify an
> isomorphism between the two copies so that one can easily go from the
> elements of one embedding field to the other. For example it would be
> nice to embed K into its Galois closure and then think of this as
> being identified with a subfield of Q bar. This would require K to be
> simultaneously embedded in Q bar and in the Galois closure of K.

This is what I envision, and is more consistent with the philosophy  
of SAGE that objects should be immutable. Given an abstract number  
field K, one would then construct a number field K1 = K.with_embedding 
(map_from_k_to_L) which would be a new object. I envision embedding  
would be transitive, and arithmetic between K1 and L would result in  
elements of L, whereas arithmetic between K1 and K would yield  
elements of K.

> Of course one's wish list always grows longer than one's lifespan and
> ability to implement.

Can't argue with that!

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