The two things that Allan's method seems to allow that the embedding
into C won't directly allow are:

1) Return an absolute number field which contains all the elements
defined so far.

2) Compute a splitting field of a given field.

Numbers 1 and 2 could be implemented independently though. Allan says
number 1 is very expensive and probably not practical if the absolute
degree of the resulting field is > 20. So no surprises there. Number 2
is also going to be expensive, but it is with Allan's system too.

So for Qbar at least there is no advantage that I can see of doing
things Allan's way.


On 20 Sep, 17:38, Bill Hart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> No wait. I'm missing something important here. As you say, computing
> Galois groups is a very hard problem (probably impractical for
> polynomials of degree > 50 according to the Magma documentation). But
> computing a Galois closure of a field is going to be equivalent, since
> then one could compute the Galois group of the original polynomial by
> looking at the action of the Galois group of the Galois closure on the
> generator of the Galois closure.
> What you suggest is in fact going to be faster. Each element of the
> algebraic closure will be specified as a minimum polynomial and a root
> of that polynomial computed to sufficient precision to distinguish it
> from the other roots of that polynomial. To compare two elements, one
> first compares their minimum polynomials. If they are the same, one
> then compares the roots.
> It is unfortunate that this forces the implementation to pick a
> particular root at random when using radicals.
> The only question I now have is, what is the difference between this
> idea and embedding a number field in CC? Is it just that roots are
> automatically computed to sufficient precision to distinguish them
> from their conjugates?
> I guess we need to look at the functions that Allan Steel's
> implementation provides for Qbar and check that each of them can be
> implemented with such a scheme.
> Bill.

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