On Tuesday, February 16, 2021 at 10:45:30 AM UTC-8 vdelecroix wrote:

> However, this externalizations comes with some inconvenience and 
> I would like to discuss one issue with documentation that was 
> raised in ticket #31404. Namely, the problem is that we want 
> something like `:mod:cypari2.gen` inside sage documentation to be 
> resolved by sphinx to what it should be (that could be: a link 
> to the documentation in SAGE_SHARE, to the local system 
> documentation on the computer or to online documentation).

My suggestion would be to focus on linking to online versions of package 
documentation first.
Ticket https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/27495 already describes a proposed 
design for this - comments and help with the implementation are welcome.

Providing links to an offline copy of package documentation is secondary, 
in my opinion. But nevertheless, here are some thoughts:
Splitting out the documentation of pplpy (as an example) into a separate 
package pplpy-doc could be a good design for various reasons:
1) pplpy-doc could be distributed as an architecture-independent wheel. 
2) Building pplpy would not need Sphinx as a build system requirement (note 
that in modern Python packaging following PEP517/518, there is no such 
thing as an "optional build system requirement").
3) Clear separation between the front-end environment and the kernel 
environment, as explained in https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/30306 - 
pplpy-doc would be installed in the front-end environment (where the 
Jupyter notebook runs) and will not be needed in the kernel environment; 
whereas pplpy would not be needed in the front-end environment.
4) Using "extra-requires", installing pplpy with offline documentation 
could just be "pip install pplpy[doc]" (which would add the dependency on 

For a proposal for packaging of the documentation of Sage itself - please 
see https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/29868 (pip-installable packages 
sagemath-doc-src, sagemath-doc-inventory, sagemath-doc-html, 
sagemath-doc-pdf) - comments and help with the implementation are welcome 
here too.


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