On Tue, 2021-02-16 at 19:43 +0100, Vincent Delecroix wrote:
> Dear all,
> I think we reached a consensus that we should have more and more
> of the sage source code made as independent Python packages. This
> effort has already started with cysignals, cypari2, pplpy and
> gappy.
> However, this externalizations comes with some inconvenience and
> I would like to discuss one issue with documentation that was
> raised in ticket #31404. Namely, the problem is that we want
> something like `:mod:cypari2.gen` inside sage documentation to be
> resolved by sphinx to what it should be (that could be: a link
> to the documentation in SAGE_SHARE, to the local system
> documentation on the computer or to online documentation).

Sphinx creates inventory files that can be used for cross-referencing:


The trick is then to inform the sage build system of all the various
locations where those inventory files might be hidden. It wouldn't be
pretty, but we could probably just "try them all" in spkg-configure.m4
if there are no smarter ideas. This would only need to be done for the
packages that are referenced externally.

Failure to locate the docs should be nonfatal in my opinion. If I have
gone out of my way to install a system package without the
documentation, I'd rather sage not second-guess me and waste time/space
building it anyway for the sake of a cross-reference.

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