On Saturday, August 27, 2022 at 2:57:49 PM UTC+9 Nils Bruin wrote:

> Do keep in mind that there is a basic command-driven interface behind 
> Geogebra as well. 

Yes. Thank you.

> which does not fully determine a circle in 3-space

I was careless. I should have listed two coordinates for 2d line.

> It may still be that there's a market for this in sagemath/python; or it 
> may be an enjoyable recreational project to work on. But before you set off 
> on it, it's probably good to know what prior art is available, and it looks 
> like at least the start of what you'd be doing is reimplementing a lot of 
> the things geogebra already has.

If there's no market of sage users, then there is no reason to start. If 
there is, we can do the work bit by bit.

> On the python front, it looks like Sympy (which we already include) may 
> have a start for you: https://docs.sympy.org/latest/modules/geometry/

Thank you very much for helpful comments and info!

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