I did not chime in in the long thread leading to the vote, but I am quite used to working with Gitlab (hosted at my university) and would be more comfortable with a Gitlab solution because I have the impression that it gives us more freedom (we currently run our own patchbots, so running our own Gitlab runners should not be that difficult to achieve).

While working with trac seemed to be fine when I first contributed to SageMath in 2014, it now feels completely anachronistic to me; reviewing code there without any real support just feels painful. Adding the maintenance issues, I am happy to vote for leaving trac rather sooner than later. Given the current vote, this means that I'll vote for Github in the other thread.



Am 21.09.22 um 19:23 schrieb David Roe:
Dear Sage developers,
As announced in a parallel thread, we are voting to move Sage development from Trac to Github.  Several of us have created a wiki page <https://github.com/sagemath/sage/wiki/Github-vs-Gitlab-vs-trac> attempting to summarize arguments in favor of each system, and this thread can serve as a space for people to make clear their own reasoning for favoring one option over the other.  This discussion has gotten heated at times, so remember to be considerate, respectful and polite <https://github.com/sagemath/sage/blob/develop/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md>: we are all aiming to make Sage better.

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