On Mar 26, 10:31 pm, Jaap Spies <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> mabshoff wrote:
> > Hi folks,
> > Sage 2.11.alpha1 is out. It is a collection of various
> > fixes, nothing particular seems to stand out. We finally
> > pushed the updated experimental mayavi and vtl.spkg.
> [...]
> > #2493: Jaap Spies: Updated experimental vtk spkg
> >        (vtk-5.0.4.spkg)
> > #2495: Jaap Spies: Updated experimental Mayavi2 spkg
> >        (mayavi_2.1.1) linux only
> MayaVi2 seems to build, but fails to run mlab!
> What the difference between mayavi_2.1.1-20080307.p1.spkg
> and my original mayavi_2.1.1-20080307.spkg?
> 1) mv mayavi_build src
> 2) rm all .svn stuff
> 3) add .hg and friends
> I don't understand why:
> With mayavi_2.1.1-20080307.p1.spkg I get after ./sage -wthread:
> sage: from enthought.mayavi import mlab as M
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> <type 'exceptions.ValueError'>            Traceback (most recent call last)
> /home/jaap/work/downloads/sage-2.11.alpha1/<ipython console> in <module>()
> /home/jaap/work/downloads/sage-2.11.alpha1/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/enthought.mayavi-2.1.1.dev-py2.5.egg/enthought/mayavi/mlab.py
>  in <module>()
>       15 from tools.config import get_engine, show_engine
>       16
> ---> 17 from tools.helper_functions import contour3d, test_contour3d, \
> [...]
> /home/jaap/work/downloads/sage-2.11.alpha1/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/enthought.pyface-2.0.3-py2.5.egg/enthought/pyface/image_resource.py
>  in
> _get_image_not_found_image(self)
>      165         # be broken!
>      166         else:
> --> 167             raise ValueError("Rick's installer is broken")
>      168
>      169         return image
> <type 'exceptions.ValueError'>: Rick's installer is broken
> While mayavi_2.1.1-20080307.spkg builds, installs and runs fine:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] sage-2.11.alpha1]$ ./sage -wthread
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> | SAGE Version 2.11.alpha1, Release Date: 2008-03-22                 |
> | Type notebook() for the GUI, and license() for information.        |
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> sage: from enthought.mayavi import mlab as M
> sage: M.
> M.axes                   M.flow                   M.outline                
> M.show_engine            M.test_points3d
> M.__class__              M.gcf                    M.pipeline               
> M.__str__                M.test_quiver3d
> M.clf                    M.__getattribute__       M.plot3d                 
> M.surf                   M.test_quiver3d_2d_data
> M.colorbar               M.get_engine             M.points3d               
> M.test_contour3d         M.test_simple_surf
> M.contour3d              M.__hash__               M.quiver3d               
> M.test_contour_surf      M.test_surf
> M.contour_surf           M.imshow                 M.__reduce__             
> M.test_fancy_mesh        M.text
> M.__delattr__            M.__init__               M.__reduce_ex__          
> M.test_flow              M.title
> M.__dict__               M.mesh                   M.__repr__               
> M.test_imshow            M.vectorbar
> M.__doc__                M.__name__               M.roll                   
> M.test_mesh              M.view
> M.draw                   M.__new__                M.savefig                
> M.test_mesh_sphere       M.xlabel
> M.figure                 M.options                M.scalarbar              
> M.test_molecule          M.ylabel
> M.__file__               M.orientationaxes        M.__setattr__            
> M.test_plot3d            M.zlabel
> My hypothesis for now is that the .svn directories contain
> essential information for the build system. I might be wrong, ...

Well, maybe I did accidentally nuke more than the .svn directories. I
cannot imagine a scenario where anything would depend on the content
of a .svn directory to run. But I wouldn't be surprised to be proven
wrong ;)

> Jaap


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