Am I first to respond? w00t! But I have an unfair advantage this week,
being in an unusual time zone (India).

Anyway, on 64-bit RH (Opteron), I get one doctest failure (not in

        sage -t  devel/sage-main/sage/dsage/tests/

which fails as follows:
sage -t  devel/sage-main/sage/dsage/tests/        Exception
exceptions.TypeError: TypeError("'NoneType' object is not callable",)
in <bound method Popen.__del__ of <subprocess.Popen object at
0x1bb1a850>> ignored
Exception in thread Thread-1 (most likely raised during interpreter
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/scratch/sage-2.11.alpha2/local/lib/python2.5/",
line 460, in __bootstrap
  File "/scratch/sage-2.11.alpha2/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/
sage/dsage/interface/", line 46, in run
  File "/scratch/sage-2.11.alpha2/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/
twisted/internet/", line 220, in run
  File "/scratch/sage-2.11.alpha2/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/
twisted/internet/", line 233, in mainLoop
<type 'exceptions.AttributeError'>: 'NoneType' object has no attribute
Unhandled exception in thread started by
Error in sys.excepthook:

Original exception was:

         [17.3 s]
exit code: 1024

mabshoff wrote:

> Hello folks,
> this is 2.11.alpha2. It is a little later than I had hoped and
> planned mostly due to the fact that Easter and Spring break
> put somewhat of a damper on development. So far we merged 111
> patches into this release.
> There were fixes all over the map. This build should now also
> build fine on OSX 10.5.2 and higher. If you had some major
> feature merged in this release please add some info about it
> at the "Sage 2.11 Release Tour" wiki page located at
> This is likely the last release before unless we
> hit some major show stopper. Please build, doctest and report
> any issue you hit in this thread. But I am sure by now you
> know the drill :=)
> Please also correct and spelling issues as well as wrongly
> assigned credit in the list below.
> Cheers,
> Michael
> Merged in alpha2:
> #1010: Marshall Hampton: upgrade gfan to version 0.3
> #1618: Michael Abshoff: Make SCons ignore Intel ifort's
>        linker options
> #1707: Carlo Hamalainen: add Carlo Hamalainen's latin square
>        stuff to Sage
> #2276: Martin Albrecht: M.divides(N) gives an error if M and
>        N are monomials in R.<x,y> = PolynomialRing(QQ)
> #2355: Didier Deshommes, Gary Furnish: Write a clearer
>        submatrix implementation
> #2415: Michael Abshoff: update NTL to 5.4.2 (bugfix release)
> #2417: Alex Ghitza: discriminant method sometimes returns
>        values in the fraction field
> #2470: Yi Qiang: dsage docs in tutorial -- can't tex them
> #2498: Alex Ghitza: PARI's is_irreducible being used
>        inappropriately
> #2565: Dan Drake: logging is extremely broken
> #2596: William Stein: Sage 2.11.alpha0: sage/plot/
>        doctest failure
> #2597: Ryan HintonAdd reduced adjacency matrix and a list
>        file format support to BipartiteGraph
> #2600: Carl Witty: vector plot throws error when function
>        contains a float
> #2609: Robert Miller: generators for congruence subgroups
> #2611: Martin Albrecht: add monomial_coefficent to boolean
>        polynomials
> #2612: Robert Bradshaw: String to Integer Conversion
> #2614: Joel Mohler: MPolynomial coefficient/
>        polynomial_coefficient merging
> #2627: Robert Bradshaw: Integer(abs(gamma(n+1))) is not always
>        equal to factorial(n) for n a positive integer
> #2634: Martin Albrecht: Unable to create certain multivariate
>        polynomial rings since libsingular is invoked instead
>        of generic code
> #2642: Martin Albrecht, Carl Witty: doctest failure in
>        polynomial_modn_dense_ntl.pyx: .small_roots()
> #2645: Jason Grout: arrow3d is sometimes too long
> #2653: Robert Bradshaw: norm and trace of elements of orders
>        are Rational not Integer
> #2657: Tim Abbott: Debian fplll cleanup
> #2660: Michael Abshoff: copy work around stdint.h on Solaris 9
> #2661: Mike Hansen: sage cannot compute floor / ceil of
>        log(8)/log(2)
> #2664: Nick Alexander: implement a symplectic form for
>        finding symplectic bases
> #2668: Nick Alexander, Carl Witty: loads/dumps do not work
>        with QQbar and AA
> #2672: Michael Abshoff: Fix OSX 10.5 detection code - it
>        fails for the currect OSX 10.5.2
> #2674: Craig Citro, Justin Walker: Bug in modforms
> #2676: Robert Miller: equitable partitions: two bugs
> #2677: Didier Deshommes: sage 2.11.alpha1: doctest failures
>        in real_double_dense.pyx
> #2681: Alex Ghitza:improve doctest coverage in libs/pari/gen.pyx
> #2683: Mike Hansen: Add initial support of k-Schur functions
> #2685: Robert Miller: compute the girth of a graph
> #2689: Robert Miller: compute blocks and cut-vertices of a
>        graph
> #2690: Emily Kirkman: add circular argument to genus command
> #2691: Robert Miller: generate digraphs
> #2692: William Stein: bug displaying list of published worksheets
> #2701: David Joyner: simple bug fixed for linear_codes
> #2706: Robert Bradshaw: Fast bitset implimentation
> #2707: Nick Alexander: clean and better document
>        is_totally_real(), add is_totally_imaginary() to
>        NumberField_generic
> #2708: Mike Hansen: add support for nonsymmetric Macdonald
>        polynomials in type A via HHL formula
> #2712: Justin Walker: Add 'scalar_part()' and other methods
>        for quaternion elements
> Merged in alpha1:
> #291: Joel Mohler: strange printing of -1 in multivariate
>       polynomial rings
> #679: Gary Furnish: print statistics about the number of
>       failed doctests and exact nature of failures
> #2287: Michael Abshoff: error installing rubiks related
>        to location of install
> #2493: Jaap Spies: Updated experimental vtk spkg
>        (vtk-5.0.4.spkg)
> #2495: Jaap Spies: Updated experimental Mayavi2 spkg
>        (mayavi_2.1.1) linux only
> #2514: David Joyner, Robert Miller: additions to coding
>        modules
> #2572: Carl Witty: imag() not defined for Algebraic Real
>        Field
> #2586: Alex Ghitza, Michael Abshoff: latex products need
>        to be space separated
> #2595: Michael Abshoff: rubiks and polymake both have a
>        cube binary
> #2598: Martin Albrecht: allow ZZ element to be constructed
>        from GF(2) list
> #2599: Mike Hansen: Permutation -> PermutationGroupElement
>        fails for the identity
> #2613: Michael Kallweit: Moving all_paths() to GenericGraph
> #2618: Martin Albrecht: documentation for QuotientRingElement
> #2619: Martin Albrecht: Gr�bner bases over quotient rings
> #2621: Gary Furnish: parallel doctest: concurrency problem
>        when creating .doctest directories
> #2622: Martin Albrecht: add PolyBoRi to reference manual
> #2623: Michael Abshoff: fix repo consistency issue with
>        sage/schemes/hyperelliptic_curves/hypellfrob/README
> #2626: Martin Albrecht: useless __list__ methods
> #2635: Tom Boothby: MAJOR NOTEBOOK BUG -- sending unevaluated
>        cells back to the server is severly broken
> #2639: Carl Witty: ZZ(QQbar(0)) fails
> #2640: Michael Abshoff: add sage-edu to list of mailing lists
> #2644: Didier Deshommes: fix numerical noise doctest failures
>        in matrix_real_double_dense
> #2647: Tim Abbott: Fixed Debian support for linbox
> #2648: William Stein: bug in octave version
> Merged in alpha0:
> #1567: David Harvey: Make zn_poly a standard package
> #1568: David Harvey: hypellfrob -- faster zeta functions for
>        hyperelliptic curves
> #2108: Burcin Erocal, Michael Abshoff: Add Atlas Tuning
>        information for 32 bit Pentium D CPUs under Linux
> #2148: Burcin Erocal: PolyBoRi monomial orders are wrong
> #2260: Michael Abshoff: Upgrade ATLAS to 3.8.1
> #2262: Michael Abshoff: Move the debian directory from the sage
>        to the ext repo
> #2368: Michael Abshoff: Add Atlas Tuning information for G4
>        Powerbook under Linux
> #2405: Joel Mohler: increase Polydict speed
> #2424: Martin Albrecht: small roots method for polynomials
>        mod N (N composite)
> #2426: Michael Abshoff: inst.tex - update compiler and
>        operating system support
> #2431: Marshall Hampton: fix optional polymake-2.2.p4.spkg
> #2437: Tom Boothby, Michael Abshoff: update eclib.spkg to
>        eclib-20080304.p0
> #2468: Didier Deshommes: inverting a non-invertible matrix over
>        RDF returns weird results
> #2517: Jason Grout: ignore bad values in plot
> #2545: Burcin Erocal: FractionFieldElement lacks derivative method
> #2566: Robert Miller: fix all known bugs in graph_isom and
>        binary_code
> #2571: John Cremona: problem with copy() on
>        sage.rings.integer_mod.IntegerMod_gmp
> #2574: David Joyner: problem with Abelian groups and trivial
>        elements
> #2576: William Stein: preserve docstrings of decorated methods
>        in
> #2579: R. Rishikesh: Inconsistency in integer quotient
> #2580: Robert Miller: Implement backends for graphs
> #2581: William Stein: extend solve_right to all cases; implement
>        solve_left
> #2582: Robert Miller: fix bug in PermutationGroupElement
> #2583: Robert Miller: Sage 2.11.a0: doctest failure in
>        due to #2580
> #2584: Jason Grout, Mike Hansen: printing bug with list_function())
> #2585: David Roe, Mike Hansen: padic bugfix for check=False in
>        constructor
> #2587: Robert Miller: subgroup of a permutation group is so slow
>        it's silly
> #2588: Nick Alexander: documentation and tests for
>        sage.schemes.hyperelliptic_curves.jacobian_morphism
> #2593: Martin Albrecht: Sage chokes on utf-8 in .sage files
> #2594: Joel Mohler: MPolynomial_polydict __floordiv__ wrong
>        arithmetic
> #2602: Jason Grout: plot_vector_field docs are unnecessarily
>        complicated (and use the slow lambda functions!)
> #2610: Lars Fischer, Michael Abshoff: Website: add missing
>        line for emacs config
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