I don't get it - are my previous messages invisible?

1st Message: I don't understand - `degree` doesn't make much sense for 
Laurent series - there is no way to determine the degree of a LaurentSeries 
and no way to determine the degree of a LazyLaurentSeries with one minor 
exception - which is when it is known that the series terminates, but 
that's rare.

2nd Message: I am very much against this.  I realise that this is a 
convention one uses in mathematics, but here it would be extremely 
confusing: in the lazy series code we use valuation a lot, and it must mean 
lowest degree, but we also use the degree of polynomials and Laurent 
polynomials and we must distinguish between the two.

I feel a bit ignored,


On Friday 1 March 2024 at 19:29:26 UTC+1 Giacomo Pope wrote:

As an aside, the univariate LaurentPolynomialRing had a notion of 
`valuation` but the multivariate one didn't...

In the PR: https://github.com/sagemath/sage/pull/37490 I added random 
elements but also a notion of valuation() for the multivariate case and 
just made it act similarly to the univariate one.

On Friday, March 1, 2024 at 6:18:01 PM UTC Nils Bruin wrote:

On Friday 1 March 2024 at 09:49:15 UTC-8 Giacomo Pope wrote:

Following this discussion, I have made a draft PR to change the degree for 
*only* the LaurentPolynomialRing and I will see if the CI detects anything.


I agree that if we change the LaurentPolynomialRing we should also change 
the `LaurentSeriesRing`, at the moment `LazyLaurentSeriesRing` has no 
method `degree()` but *does* have a `valuation()` method... so this is odd.

OK, let's keep it that way then! I don't think there is a notion on 
LaurentSeriesRing that deserves the name "degree". Sorry about mixing that 
one in. I thought it existed. And I think it does:

 sage: R.<x>=LaurentSeriesRing(QQ)
sage: z=R(0)
sage: z.valuation()
sage: z.degree()

but if it's not documented, perhaps we can just ignore it.

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