
> Which libraries does it check for that a standard system won't have?
> I guess I'll find out.
> On OS X my build fails with:
> In file included from gen.h:39,
>                  from sym2poly.h:25,
>                  from sym2poly.cc:32:
> vecteur.h:25:28: error: gsl/gsl_vector.h: No such file or directory
> vecteur.h:26:28: error: gsl/gsl_matrix.h: No such file or directory
> vecteur.h:27:33: error: gsl/gsl_permutation.h: No such file or directory
> In file included from sym2poly.cc:36:
> In file included from sym2poly.cc:36:
> modpoly.h:27:30: error: NTL/ZZXFactoring.h: No such file or directory
> modpoly.h:28:20: error: NTL/ZZ.h: No such file or directory
> modpoly.h:29:22: error: NTL/GF2X.h: No such file or directory
> modpoly.h:30:32: error: NTL/pair_GF2X_long.h: No such file or directory
> modpoly.h:31:31: error: NTL/GF2XFactoring.h: No such file or directory

That is a strange error since these lines are bracketed between #ifdef
HAVE_LIBGSL #endif (vecteur.h) or #ifdef HAVE_LIBNTL #endif. Did you
run ./configure before running make? If not, please try. That should
overwrite the config.h of the tarball (which reflects my
configuration) with your configuration and if NTL and GSL are not
found, HAVE_LIBGSL and HAVE_LIBNTL should not be defined in config.h.
Note that on the OS X machine where I build the xcas dmg image, I have
to run manually shell scripts (sh mkstat and sh mkhist) to get the
binaries after make, I don't know how to configure autotools properly
to get the build without them.

> I guess this is Giac not finding GSL, NT, etc.    Your autoconf
> seems to have options to enable/disable GSL, NTL, etc., but I can't
> tell wout to specify exactly *where* those libraries are installed
> on the system (for Sage, they are in $SAGE_LOCAL).

If the libs are not in standard directories, you can do something like
export CXXFLAGS='-I/opt/sage/include'
export LDFLAGS='-L/opt/sage/lib'
before running ./configure

> On one Linux machine that I tried the buld *does* work, perhaps
> because so much is installed system-wide on that machine.
> The spkg I made is here:
>    http://sage.math.washington.edu/home/was/tmp/giac-0.7.4.spkg
> this is really a tar bz2 file, so you can extract it with
>    tar jxvf giac-0.7.4.spkg
> It took 31 minutes to build giac/xcas, and the build appears to work:
> sage: !giac
> Help file aide_cas not found

That means the short help file has not been installed or in an non-
standard place. Hence ?keyword will not work. Standard place is
$PREFIX/share/giac/ where $PREFIX is usually /usr/local but may be
modified at ./configure time. Giac should detect be able to detect it
from the full path binary name (but I've not tested non standard
installation path).

> // Unable to find keyword file doc/en/keywords

This is the same kind of error, this time for localized synonyms of
commandnames. That should not affect English users.

> >  comment the recursion in Makefile.am from the doc subdirectory, the
> >  first two lines should look like
> >  doc/Makefile.am
> >  then run
> >   automake
> >  in the giac directory and then
> >   ./configure --prefix="$SAGE_LOCAL" --disable-gui
> >  Another way to fix this is to run make install from the src
> >  subdirectory only.
> >  Or maybe add a fake latex2html command somewhere in your path. I don't
> >  know what the sage build process can handle best. Any suggestion?
> Best is probably only running make install from the src subdirectory.
> That's what I've done in the above spkg.

Ok, I'll try to find a way to install the short help file when running
make install from the src directory.

> Do you have any mirror sites of the complete giac/xcas webpage?

Not currently.


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