First, a joke... since I can't tell jokes, I offer:

Fortunately, I won't be getting in to the Distributed Version Control
Systems (DVCS) wars here... but I had a question about how Sage uses
Hg.. and from the answers, (and after checking to make sure I didn't
have this entirely wrong) I figured I'd bring it forward.

My question is: Why are we using "hg clone" when doing development?  Hg
clone, basically, copies over an entire repository to a new location
which, from a DVCS perspective, is only done when creating the local
repository on a machine.  Doing a clone of a "local" repository,
basically, doesn't make sense from the perspective of a DVCS.

The idea as practiced in Sage is, I think, that one can maintain the
"original copy" and  "development" areas separately... but, says I,
that's the entire point of DVCS in general, and Hg in particular.

So, I propose there's a misunderstanding of Hg and clone vs. branch.  I
claim that branching is a trivial operation, switching between branches
is fast, and that the entire point of DVCS is lost with the clone

Furthermore, by cloning, we need to maintain symlinks and have code
specifically written to manage the updating of the symlinks to no
advantage.  Furthermore, it takes time and space and reduces the
effectiveness of tools (e.g. branch visualization) for doing what I
think the intent of the clone is. 


P.S.  Below is a broader discussion of the issue... 

WARNING: its entirely up to you whether you wanna get into this... and
DVCS wars easily exceed politics and religion in the emotions and
vitriol generated.

The DVCS battle is currently between hg, bzr and git with hg giving up
ground to bzr... and git being git

<<<< opinion warning >>>

IMHO, git is technically superior than the others but because Linus is
such a "git" will likely not become mainstream... I personally believe
there is a very intentional barrier to keep git users at the level of
kernel hackers where folks pine for the day when you needed to be a hard
core hacker to even dabble in linux... a cabal where only the anointed
need apply. 

a shame, but such is life.  

to get an idea, check out Linus on git:

and a much better follow up by Randall Schwarz which should have been
titled: "What Linus means to say is:"

<<< opinion end >>>

So, the going-in assumption of any DVCS is that the developer always has
a complete copy of the distro... whatever she wants to decide the distro
is... although for most that will mean one of the "officially" tagged
releases... and the DVCS system presents a specific "branch" to the

To avoid terminology confusion:

A "branch" is a particular path through the development tree.  The tree
has many branches at any point in time composed of the aggregate set of
development activities of all developers and the merging which has taken
place along the way throughout the DVCS spatio-temporal mesh.

Some branches after a specific commit will be "tagged" as a release or
as a specific starting point for a group activity to help coordinate.
However, its critical to recognize that there is no central control in a
DVCS... the importance of a tag or a release is only that to which the
community assigns: a particular tag / user / repository is only
important if you make it important.  This is very much in contrast with
CVS/SVN where there was a central managed system with clear lines of
authority and permissions and security.... nope, DVCS is all about true
meritocracy... I care about your branch cuz I trust you.  In Sage's
case, its when mabshoff or wstein or the other folks whom we all know...
say so... because we trust them... not because they have the password.

However, you can have both... since Sage cares about, it
can be managed in such a way that a specific tag signed by the "usual
suspects" means what we think it means.  So, we have both kinds,
centralized and distributed.  Of course, one might argue that its the
gpg signature that really matters, not but I digress.

To emphasize: DVCS allows untethered users complete flexibility to go
off the reservation for very long periods of time... creating branches,
committing changes etc... and allowing them to be merged back into ANY
other DVCS repo within the DVCS mesh.  Due to the magic of sha1
encoding, the paths are unambiguous... merging it all together if
there's been no coordination is another matter... but that's a social
not a technical issue.


Glenn H. Tarbox, PhD || 206-494-0819 || [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"Don't worry about people stealing your ideas. If your ideas are any 
 good you'll have to ram them down peoples throats" -- Howard Aiken

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