On Jun 26, 6:46 pm, kcrisman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 2) and 3) are good but miss my point - to make it one click from the
> notebook to (for instance) the sage-support/post page

Maybe, a link to an explanatory page like the "guidelines" with a link
to the post page is better...

> On the other hand, making this prominent says, "we want bug reports"
> loud and clear. Or does it say, "buggy software" loud and clear?
> Anyway...

Yes, it does ;)
The difference is, that open-source software tends to talk about their
bugs. So, it is a matter of personal background how you interpret
this. With no personal background about OSS you will probably not
think that it is worth to download and invest time if it talks too
much about bugs.
So, maybe, more prominent links should just talk about "support" and
"help" and not about "bugs"? Then, it is up to the developers to
decide, if a "support issue" is a bug, feature request or a pebkac ;)
This is probably already the current state ...

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